Feel Light Mind & Body


Are you feeling heavy in your mind and body? Frustrated with stress and comfort eating? Are you afraid of ‘failing’ again when it comes to weight loss and have all but given up? Permanent weight loss doesn’t have to feel hard or restrictive. You can be successful in losing and maintaining weight like you are successful in many other areas of your life. As a Certified Life and Weight Loss Coach, I understand that you feel overwhelmed by the contradicting weight loss options. That is why after helping hundreds of clients lose weight, I created a unique program that is completely customizable, and simple. It doesn’t leave you feeling deprived. Imagine no more yo-yo diet mentality or feeling hopeless. There’s a better way, my friend. Real women of all ages and stages of life are enjoying feeling lighter in their minds and body. Join me, Clarenda Price, your Feel Light Mind & Body coach weekly for motivation, tactics, and tips for some quick wins and lasting results. The BONUS is an improved relationship with yourself and others. Get ready to shed that heaviness and replace it with peace and ease. Let's go! https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/ read less
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How to Incorporate Rest Guilt-Free: 7 Key Strategies
5d ago
How to Incorporate Rest Guilt-Free: 7 Key Strategies
083- Do you feel guilty or 'lazy' when you spend time resting? In Episode 83, How to Incorporate Rest Guilt-Free: 7 Key Strategies, we delve into overcoming the common feelings of guilt associated with taking time for rest. Despite our successes in various life areas, many of us struggle with weight, stress eating, and energy levels, often neglecting the critical role of rest. This episode isn't just about why we need rest, but how to embrace it without remorse, enhancing our well-being and capacity to manage daily stresses. Join me as we explore effective strategies to make rest a guilt-free part of your routine, ensuring you feel lighter and more in control. Ready to change your habits and embrace a healthier lifestyle guilt free? Let's dive into these empowering insights and you'll soon be convinced of all the benefits from incorporating rest into your schedule daily.--------------------------------------------Click on this link to get your complimentary Thought Download PDF.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/f/thought-download--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to chat to see if Weight or Life Coaching is your best next step??Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure-free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Hearing the Whispers: The Critical Need for Rest Before Burnout
Jun 4 2024
Hearing the Whispers: The Critical Need for Rest Before Burnout
082- In this episode, Hearing the Whispers: The Critical Need for Rest Before Burnout, we're taking a close look at the often overlooked but crucial aspect of our health—rest. Not just sleep, but genuine mental and physical downtime. In today's fast-paced world, staying busy is sometimes seen as a badge of honour, but it's often to our detriment.Rest isn't a luxury; it's essential for maintaining long-term health and preventing burnout. We'll explore how constant busyness can lead to serious health issues as it keeps our sympathetic nervous system—the fight or flight response—constantly engaged. This can result in elevated cortisol levels, disrupted sleep, hypertension, and even a weakened immune system.Through my own experience with a recent workout injury that limited my usual activities, I've had to slow down and listen to the whispers of my body calling for rest. I'll share insights from this personal journey, emphasizing the importance of understanding when your body is signaling for a break.This episode will guide you on why and how to integrate rest into your daily routine to enhance your overall well-being and maintain your health. We'll discuss practical strategies for incorporating rest, understanding the balance of cortisol and melatonin for better sleep, and the benefits of stepping away from the go-go-go lifestyle.Join me as we delve into why rest should be non-negotiable and how listening to the subtle whispers of our body can prevent them from becoming desperate screams for attention. Ready to embrace a healthier, more balanced life? Let's get started.--------------------------------------------Click on this link to get your complimentary Thought Download PDF.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/f/thought-download--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to chat to see if Weight or Life Coaching is your best next step??Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure-free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
From Fridge Frenzy to Calm Control: Quick Wins to Transform Your Daily Habits
May 28 2024
From Fridge Frenzy to Calm Control: Quick Wins to Transform Your Daily Habits
081- Today, we delve into the science behind habit formation and the impact of neural pathways on our daily actions. Learn how to shift from destructive habits, like unnecessary snacking, to positive routines that support your wellness goals. We'll discuss strategies for replacing the automatic trek to the fridge with healthier responses that engage your parasympathetic nervous system, helping you calm down and regain control.This discussion isn't just about theory; it's about practical steps to reclaim your mental space and enhance your life's quality. Tune in to transform how you handle daily stress and make self-care a non-negotiable part of your routine. Ready to change your habits and feel lighter every day? Let's go!--------------------------------------------Click here to learn more about how your energy, peace of mind, and body will improve in this 3-month course experience. It IS so possible to live freely at your ideal weight. It's time to let that heaviness go and live your life the way you really want to.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/feel-light--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to chat to see if Weight or Life Coaching is your best next step??Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure-free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Must-Do Magic: How Booking Time for Yourself Drives Success and Sanity!
May 21 2024
Must-Do Magic: How Booking Time for Yourself Drives Success and Sanity!
080- In our 80th episode, Must-Do Magic: How Booking Time for Yourself Drives Success and Sanity, we dive into the transformative power of scheduling personal time. This isn't about selfishness—it's about self-preservation and thriving in our hectic lives.As women who juggle numerous roles, we often put ourselves last, leading to burnout and diminished health. But what if prioritizing yourself could actually enhance your effectiveness and well-being? Today, we break down the barriers to personal time and explore why it’s crucial for both your success and sanity.Here’s what we’ll cover:- Mental Clarity: Understand how regular 'me time' clears the mental clutter, fostering better decision-making and creativity.- Health Impact: Learn how continuous stress affects your physical health and how taking breaks can mitigate these effects.- Emotional and Physical Resilience: Be encouraged on how proper breaks build resilience, allowing you to handle daily challenges more effectively.If you've ever felt too drained to enjoy your downtime or guilty for even considering a break, this episode is for you. Discover three compelling reasons to put yourself on the calendar and how doing so can dramatically improve your life.Remember, taking time for yourself isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Let’s explore how making this a non-negotiable part of your schedule can lead to a healthier, happier you. Ready to feel lighter and more in control? Let’s dive in!--------------------------------------------Secure your spot for the May 31- June 2 lakeside retreat by clicking this link and begin your inspired journey toward a lighter heart, mind, and body. https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to chat to see if Weight or Life Coaching is your best next step??Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure-free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
The Best Habit to Break for Weight Loss or Any Big Goal! (It’s probably not what you think)
May 14 2024
The Best Habit to Break for Weight Loss or Any Big Goal! (It’s probably not what you think)
079-  I uncover the hidden habit that could be sabotaging your progress. No it's not what might seem obvious like eating carbs late at at night. Join me as we tackle this mindset issue head-on and explore strategies to empower you on your journey. You’ll learn how to recognize the harmful self-talk that leads to shaming, blaming, and restrictive behaviors—and replace it with a healthier, more compassionate approach.I’ll share insights from my own experiences and my clients’ successes, offering actionable steps to shift your mindset and break free from the mean inner critic. Together, we can build a habit of kindness, support, and consistency that will help you not just reach your goals but enjoy the journey there.Let's dive in and transform the way you approach your health!--------------------------------------------Secure your spot for the May 31- June 2 lakeside retreat by clicking this link and begin your inspired journey toward a lighter heart, mind, and body. https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------Click here to learn more about how your energy, peace of mind, and body will improve in this 3-month course experience. It IS so possible to live freely at your ideal weight. It's time to let that heaviness go and live your life the way you really want to.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/feel-light--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to chat to see if Weight or Life Coaching is your best next step??Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure-free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Stressed? Even With A Good Life? The Hidden Culprit That Most Impacts Your Health! (Part 2)
Apr 30 2024
Stressed? Even With A Good Life? The Hidden Culprit That Most Impacts Your Health! (Part 2)
077- Do you ever feel guilty about stressing over your life because, by most standards, it's a good one? Balancing everything is challenging when it all seems important. Uncover the often ignored factors that contribute to stress and how they impact your health. Learn strategies that will help decrease your stress and boost your health score.The Giver's Dilemma: Often the go-to person in times of stress? Discover how this adds to your own stress levels.The Sacrifice Trap: See how neglecting your health for others or your career can lead to increased stress, weight gain, emotional exhaustion, and more.Adrenal Fatigue Insight: Chronic stress could be pushing your adrenal glands to the limit, affecting sleep and energy.The Ripple Effect: Understand how your health choices don’t just affect you but everyone around you.Self-Care is Vital: Learn why taking care of yourself is not selfish but essential for being a better supporter to others.Secure your spot for the May 31- June 2 lakeside retreat by clicking this link and begin your inspired journey toward a lighter heart, mind, and body. https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to discuss it further?Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Balancing Acts - Choosing What Matters Most (Part 1)
Apr 23 2024
Balancing Acts - Choosing What Matters Most (Part 1)
076- Every time you say yes to something, you’re also saying no to something else. Join me as we explore how this plays out in everyday decisions, particularly how they affect your work-life balance, relationships, and personal well-being.Discover how aligning your choices with your core values can help you manage life's demands without compromising your health and happiness. From declining last-minute work requests to attend a yoga class, to choosing family dinners over overtime, each decision can impact your life’s balance and your mental and physical health.Listen to this short episode as we discuss practical tips for practicing intentional yeses and nos, and learn how to prioritize what truly matters to you. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to feel lighter in both mind and body by mastering the art of balance.Ready to say yes to making your health a priority again?If living with energy and at your healthiest weight is high on your values list then making this time for yourself will leave you feeling aligned. Click here to learn more about how your energy, peace of mind, and body will improve. It IS so possible to live freely at your ideal weight. It's time to let that heaviness go and live your life the way you really want to.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/feel-light--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to discuss it further?Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Life-Changing Women's Retreat Perks- 7 Revealed!
Apr 16 2024
Life-Changing Women's Retreat Perks- 7 Revealed!
075- Have you experienced the incredible, life-altering benefits of attending a women's retreat? This is a much-needed and deserved weekend geared for you the giver and doer. You'll learn strategies to keep you in balance rather than burnout. You’ll have space and time to reflect, recharge, and gain clarity for the next season of your life, work, and health.  You’ll get to start practicing simple techniques that will calm your mind, soothe your soul, provide better sleep, and stop turning to food, alcohol, or any other distraction or comfort that aren’t your friends in the long run. Would that be good to know how, what, and when to do this? You’ll also feel nourished by delicious and healthy culinary creations by Chef Ness. Listen to discover why a retreat is more than just a getaway—it's a transformative weekend toward personal renewal and growth. Do you want to Feel Light Heart, Mind, and Body? There’s power in like-minded women coming together who want to learn how to create more ease and lightness in their lives, regardless of their circumstances. We explore simple yet powerful strategies to reduce mental clutter, make empowered decisions, and create healthy sustainable habits that energize you, not drain you. These changes are not just about feeling better temporarily; they're about initiating a lasting transformation that extends beyond the retreat.Secure your spot for the May 31- June 2 lakeside retreat by clicking this link and begin your inspired journey toward a lighter heart, mind, and body. https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------Still have questions or would like to discuss it further? Book your FREE 20-minute consultation. I'm here to guide you, pressure free!https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Blueprint for Success: The Essentials of Lasting Weight Loss  (Part 5:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
Apr 2 2024
Blueprint for Success: The Essentials of Lasting Weight Loss (Part 5:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
73- Blueprint for Success: The Essentials of Lasting Weight Loss, this wraps up our series with a healthier plan you can really use. We’re bringing together everything we've talked about—hydration, sleep, eating mindfully, and handling those tough urges—into a plan that fits into your real life. It's all about making these big ideas work for you, every day. Whether you're looking to shake up your routine or just need a little push to get started, this episode is your go-to guide for feeling better and living healthier. We're all about taking small, doable steps towards a happier, healthier you. So, if you're ready to make some changes without turning your life upside down, this episode is exactly what you need. Let's get you set up for success and feeling great about where you're headed. Tune in and let’s take this final step together.--------------------------------------------Oooh to learn more about that transformative weekend away...Feel Light Heart, Mind and Body Weekend Retreathttps://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.  https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------Sign up to get your short weekly boost of encouragement and motivation!https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/newsletter--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Mastering Urges: Beyond Willpower (Part 4:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
Mar 26 2024
Mastering Urges: Beyond Willpower (Part 4:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
072- Welcome to the heart of our Pillars of Sustainable Wellness series, "Mastering Urges: Beyond Willpower."  Dive deep into the battle between cravings and our longing for health, exploring why we often choose habits we know aren't good for us. It's not just about willpower; it's about understanding our brain's response to dopamine and the societal cues that amplify our desires for more.Discover why giving in to these urges doesn't just affect our waistlines but our overall vitality and self-esteem. With obesity rates on the rise globally, it's clear that this isn't just a personal battle but a widespread health crisis. This episode is a call to action, urging us to redefine what 'normal' means in terms of health and fulfillment.True self-care goes beyond yielding to every craving. It's about making choices that sustain our well-being in the long term. This episode isn't about restrictive living but finding a balance that supports your health while allowing room for mindful indulgence.Learn the skill of allowing urges without succumbing to them, a crucial ability for maintaining a healthy weight. It's about conscious awareness and decision-making, not suppression. We'll discuss why foundational knowledge and consistent practice are key to navigating emotions and urges sustainably.This transformative journey extends beyond diet, enhancing every aspect of your life. Join me for a complimentary 20-minute consultation to see if this path aligns with your goals for a healthier, more vibrant life. Don't let fleeting indulgences define your journey; choose lasting health and joy instead. Tune in to take the first step toward a life where you're in control, at peace with food, and fully embracing your worthiness of the best health and energy possible.--------------------------------------------Curious about how this could work for you?Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.  https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Tips to Travel-Proof Your Health: How to Maintain Healthy Habits Anywhere
Mar 19 2024
Tips to Travel-Proof Your Health: How to Maintain Healthy Habits Anywhere
071- Tips to Travel-Proof Your Health: How to Maintain Healthy Habits Anywhere dives into the practicalities of keeping up with your wellness routines, no matter where life takes you. From navigating sleep disruptions to making smart food choices on the go, I share insights from my own experiences and answer the burning questions many of you have sent my way. Learn how to turn travel challenges into opportunities for maintaining and even enhancing your health routines. Whether it's dealing with flight delays, finding healthy food options, or staying active, I've got tips and strategies that work in the real world. This episode is packed with actionable advice to help you stay empowered in your wellness journey, regardless of your location. Join me as we explore ways to make health habits travel-proof, ensuring you feel your best, even when you're far from home.--------------------------------------------Curious about how this could work for you?Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.  Weight loss, improving relationships, navigating life challenges, reaching your goals... whatever you desire, I am here to help you achieve it.https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------Join our Spring Challenge: 10 Days to More Energy to awaken your body, mind, and spirit with simple daily practices, and step into spring feeling rejuvenated and full of vitality!It's FREE! Starts TODAY, the first day of Spring, March 19 - March 28.If the link still works it's not too late to join and still benefit! Click this link to register.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/spring-challenge--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Empowered Eating: Hunger Cues and Thought Patterns (Part 3:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
Mar 12 2024
Empowered Eating: Hunger Cues and Thought Patterns (Part 3:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
070- Today's topic is about something that affects all of us: how we eat. It's not just about the food itself but understanding our body's signals and the reasons behind our food choices.We'll explore how to recognize true hunger versus emotional eating. Ever find yourself snacking when you're not really hungry? You're not alone. I'll share tips on how to listen to your body and make choices that leave you feeling satisfied and energized.You'll hear Linda's story of how she has lost 50 lbs! Way more than she thought was possible for her in her late sixties. She transformed her eating habits and relationship with food by understanding these very concepts, leading to significant changes in her life. Stories like hers inspire us to take small, impactful steps toward better health.And here's something crucial: if your hunger hormones are out of balance, your body might be sending you mixed signals about when and how much to eat. It's like trying to listen to music with static interference – you're not getting the clear picture.So, let's get into it and make those positive shifts together.#stresseating #overeating #foodfreedom #emotionaleating #boredomeating--------------------------------------------Curious at how this could work for you?Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session--------------------------------------------Join our Spring Challenge: 10 Days to More Energy to awaken your body, mind, and spirit with simple daily practices, and step into spring feeling rejuvenated and full of vitality!It's FREE! Starts the first day of Spring, March 19 - March 28.Click this link to register.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/spring-challenge--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Dreaming of Better Sleep? Discover Your Free Nighttime Superpower (Part 2:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
Mar 5 2024
Dreaming of Better Sleep? Discover Your Free Nighttime Superpower (Part 2:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
069- Dreaming of Better Sleep? Listen to 'Discover Your Free Nighttime Superpower,' part of our enlightening 5-part series, Foundations of Freedom. Today, I'm peeling back the layers on good quality sleep, our most underrated ally. Just like last week's deep dive into hydration, quality sleep doesn't have to cost a dime. I'm here to walk you through essential facts and easy steps you can start tonight to enhance your sleep and supercharge your energy all day long. From understanding REM and deep sleep to actionable tips for transforming your sleep habits, this episode is packed with value. Whether you're battling brain fog, seeking more satisfaction in your days, have noticed added belly fat creeping on, or just craving that rejuvenating rest, I've got you covered.Join me, and let's unlock the secrets to restful nights and productive days. Ready to elevate your well-being? Tune in now and let's make every night count towards a brighter, energized you.--------------------------------------------Join our Spring Challenge: 10 Days to More Energy to awaken your body, mind, and spirit with simple daily practices, and step into spring feeling rejuvenated and full of vitality!It's FREE! Starts the first day of Spring, March 19 - March 28.Click this link to register.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/spring-challenge--------------------------------------------As an Oura member, I have 5 invites for $50 CAD off with this referral link. Feel free to use it if this tracker for better sleep and improved wellbeing appeals to you.https://ouraring.com/raf/701f62838a?utm_medium=iac--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Energize Your Life: The Power of Hydration (Part 1:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
Feb 27 2024
Energize Your Life: The Power of Hydration (Part 1:5 Journey to Sustainable Wellness)
068- Dive into the "Foundations of Freedom: A Five-Part Journey to Sustainable Wellness" with your host, Clarenda, a retired nurse turned life coach, on the Feel Light Mind and Body podcast. This series is crafted for women who excel in various aspects of life but find weight loss, stress eating, and maintaining energy challenging. In the first episode, "Energize Your Life: The Power of Hydration," Clarenda simplifies the science behind hydration and its profound impact on our bodies. Learn how water is not just a necessity for survival but a crucial element for thriving, affecting energy levels, weight management, and overall well-being. Through practical tips and interactive challenges, this episode will inspire you to prioritize hydration in your daily routine, helping you feel lighter and more vibrant. Join us on this empowering journey towards wellness and discover the transformative power of getting back to basics.--------------------------------------------Join our Spring Challenge: 10 Days to More Energy to awaken your body, mind, and spirit with simple daily practices, and step into spring feeling rejuvenated and full of vitality!It's FREE! Starts the first day of Spring, March 19 - March 28.Click this link to register. https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/spring-challenge--------------------------------------------At this transformative retreat, you'll find peace, purpose, and profound personal growth—reserve your spot for an experience that promises to realign and rejuvenate your heart, mind, and body.Feel Light Heart, Mind and Body Weekend Retreathttps://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
From 95 to 210 and now 115 lbs: A Mother-Daughter Loving Conversation
Feb 20 2024
From 95 to 210 and now 115 lbs: A Mother-Daughter Loving Conversation
067- Join me in this heartfelt episode as I sit down with my mom for a candid and empowering conversation about her journey from weighing 95 pounds to 210 pounds and finally reaching a healthier 115 pounds. Despite her battle with dementia, my mom's wit and wisdom shine through as we discuss her experiences with overeating, stressors, and reasons behind her weight fluctuations. Together, we explore the impact of self-care, healthy habits, and mindset shifts on our overall well-being. Listen in as we share valuable insights and practical tips to help you feel lighter in mind and body. If you're ready to embrace a healthier lifestyle and find inspiration in the journey of self-discovery, this episode is for you. Tune in now and let your heart and spirit be brightened and lightened.--------------------------------------------Curious at how this could work for you?Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session-------------------------------------------If you found value in this episode or previous ones, please give this podcast a 5-Star rating and review so we can help more people.Sharing this heartfelt episode may be exactly what someone needs to hear today! Click the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and choose how you would like to share.Thank you! I appreciate you.You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
Spark Your Love: A Fun Challenge for Couples & Singles
Feb 13 2024
Spark Your Love: A Fun Challenge for Couples & Singles
066- In this episode, we explore a fun love challenge for both couples and singles. Discover how to deepen your connection, build trust, and keep the romance alive. Drawing from personal experiences and insights, I share practical tips and heartwarming stories to inspire meaningful connections. From prioritizing quality time to nurturing self-love, this episode offers valuable insights for enhancing relationships and personal well-being. Join me as we celebrate the power of love and take actionable steps towards a more fulfilling life. Don't forget to share your thoughts and takeaways on social media and leave a review to empower others on their journey. It will be so appreciated! Let's spread love and light together!Check out the now available registration for the women's weekend lakeside retreat May 31 - June 2, 2024. Will you be one of the 16 women to claim your spot? I hope so!Let's chat to see if this is a good fit for you on a free 20 - minute consult call where you can ask me any questions including the investment.--------------------------------------------Learn more here:Feel Light Heart, Mind and Body Weekend Retreathttps://www.clarendasempowerment.com/retreat--------------------------------------------Click this link to view the podcast blog so you can download the Spark Your Love Challenge PDF. https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/blog/podcast66You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
3 Tips for Allowing an Emotion Without Feeling Overpowered
Feb 6 2024
3 Tips for Allowing an Emotion Without Feeling Overpowered
065- In this episode, we delve into three powerful tips for navigating overwhelming emotions without feeling consumed by them. As we explore topics like grief, self-compassion, and proactive decision-making, you'll discover practical strategies to lighten the load on your mind and body.Join me as I share personal insights and actionable advice to help you embrace your emotions authentically and find balance amidst life's challenges. Whether you're facing loss, stress, or simply seeking a lighter perspective, this episode offers invaluable tools to support your journey towards greater emotional well-being.Tune in now to gain clarity, resilience, and a renewed sense of empowerment. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your relationship with your emotions and cultivate a lighter, more joyful life. Share your thoughts and takeaways with us on social media, and remember, your actions today pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Let's navigate this journey together.--------------------------------------------Empowering offer...Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session-------------------------------------------I want to get started sooner rather than later!Join Feel Light Mind and Body 3-month virtual program here.https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/courses/feel-light-------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/
What's Getting in Your Way of Reaching Your Goals? Here's a Quick Solution
Jan 30 2024
What's Getting in Your Way of Reaching Your Goals? Here's a Quick Solution
064- Feel the shift within as we tackle the hurdles blocking your goals.  This is your space if you're a woman navigating success in various aspects but wrestling with weight, stress, or energy. Weight loss shouldn't feel like a struggle. Join me weekly for a fresh perspective, tips, and encouragement to help you feel lighter mentally and physically, minus the frustration. Imagine enjoying your health journey, feeling free yet in control around food. It's possible! So, how's your January going? We all face unexpected challenges that can derail our plans. In this episode, I share a quick solution: plan for it. Whether stress, unexpected events, or emotional eating, having a strategy can make all the difference. Don't just follow your ideal plan; plan for the real challenges. It's not pessimism; it's realism. Tune in, plan ahead, and let's navigate the path to your goals together. Make it a fantastic week and take that meaningful self-care step today. See you next Tuesday! #GoalSetting #PodcastWisdom #PlanForSuccess--------------------------------------------Empowering offer...Book your FREE 20-minute consultation to get a taste of how Life Coaching can help you move through any challenge easier, faster, and lighter.https://calendly.com/clarendasempowerment/exclusive-20-mins-session-------------------------------------------Click to receive a short motivating newsletter once a weekhttps://www.clarendasempowerment.com/newsletter--------------------------------------------You can always find out more at: https://www.clarendasempowerment.com/