Restored Purpose & Authority

Revive Chicago Church

Feb 18 2024 • 52 mins

Many people today struggle with their purpose because they feel they have to define it themselves. But we don't! God already did. All the way back in the garden God defined humanity's purpose and role.

In this sermon from Genesis 1:26-31 and 2:15-20 you'll get reminded of your God-designed purpose on earth. You'll learn about the authority bestowed upon Adam and eventually lost. Most of all, you'll find that as the Last Adam, Jesus has restored that position for us. You don't have to define your purpose - you get to rediscover what God planned from the beginning!

Join us for service live every Sunday at 10am at 1852 95th St, Naperville, IL 60564 (The education-wing entrance of Wheatland Salem Church)
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