Episode 68: Midlife, Hormonal, and pelvic Health, with Kim Vopni, The Vagina Coach, pelvic floor expert

The Bonjour Baby Podcast

Nov 17 2022 • 40 mins

Today, Kim Vopni, also known as the Vagina Coach, is coming to the show to talk about midlife, hormone and pelvic health. A topic that is not talked about enough unfortunately and for which we don’t receive education in our 30s and 40s. And that’s exactly what it should be. We should be informed and we ought to know in advance how we can care better for our feminine health as we age and reach new milestones in our women’s lives.

Kim is a powerhouse of information, so listen very carefully because she’s sharing lots of wisdom bits in this episode.

Kim Vopni is a self-professed kegel maven. She is a certified fitness professional who became passionate about spreading information on pelvic health after the birth of her first child.

She is an author, a passionate speaker, and a women’s health educator. Her most recent book Your Pelvic Floor launched in March 2020 and was on the bestseller list since pre-orders launched in January.

Kim is the founder of Pelvienne Wellness Inc - a company offering pelvic health programs products and coaching for women in pregnancy, motherhood and menopause.  Kim also certifies other fitness and movement professionals to work with women with core and pelvic floor challenges through her Core Confidence Specialist Certification and Pre/Postnatal Fitness Specialist Certification.

In this episode, Kim and I talked about:

👩 Perimenopause and its early signs: what signs to look for and how you can recognize its onset

👩 Pelvic floor health during midlife and the most common symptoms and dysfunctions we can encounter

👩 Some natural remedies, nutrition and lifestyle tips to support a better health during this hormone transition

👩 We also talked about prolapse and hysterectomy and other alternatives to help with prolapse reduction without invasive surgery

Connect with Kim Vopni:

👉 Website: https://www.vaginacoach.com

👉 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vaginacoach/

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Now I have some sweet gifts for you:

🎁 If you gave birth weeks, months, or even years ago, you want to check out this free resource I have for you. Do you wonder how you can get rid of the mommy pouch, stop peeing your pants, heal your diastasis recti, and simply feel better in your body (not like you’re ending up into someone else’s body!).

I got you covered. Discover my step-by-step, science-based program recommended by OBGYNs, PTs and DOs: https://courses.bonjourbaby.net/postpartum-recovery-guide

🎁 Join my FREE Facebook group, The Bonjour Baby Club, where I share exclusive content, diving deeper on each episode, and get more tips and free resources to heal your body the right way, find yourself as a new mom, and finally feel like yourself again: https://www.facebook.com/groups/724317574831792

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🎁 Want to chat about everything postpartum? Wonder if what you’ve been doing so far is really helping your body recover? Don’t really see results and don’t know what to do? Book your free 30 min consultation with me today:


🎁 Discover the Postpartum Body Solution - group coaching program. It’s a 12-week self-paced online program designed for Moms like you who want to take back control of their health, and body, support diastasis recti and core healing, stop peeing their pants, and feel like their old selves again.


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