In my grief journey after losing Sam, there have been many times that I’ve experienced joy and sadness all at the same time. But an important lesson I’ve learned is, feeling joy again IS POSSIBLE!

I know it doesn’t seem like you will ever feel anything but sadness (especially if you’re early in your grief journey), but I want to encourage you that feeling joy again is possible. And I share with you 5 things you can do to experience the joy of the Lord daily in your life.

🔗Links Mentioned in Episode:

Ep. 27 | 4 Ideas to Breathe New Life Into Your Daily Quiet Time

Ep. 25 | Finding New Purpose in Life After Losing Your Child: A Simple Way You Can Start Today

Ep. 21 | In Memory Of: 5 Ways to Honor Your Child After They Go to Heaven

Ep. 22 | Stop the Scroll! A Step-by-Step Plan to Reduce Social Media Usage

✨Free Resources:

Find Your Lifesaver Verse

31 Days of God’s Character Scripture Calendar

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