001. Vol. 1, Ch. 1: The Christian and the World

Give Attendance to Reading

Apr 1 2024 • 35 mins

Life in Christ by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

In our first full episode, we are discussing how the Christian relates to the world. As Christians, we are essentially different from the world because we know and are assured that we are of God and we know that the whole world lieth in wickedness. We discuss what Jones and the three of us view as the central theme of 1 John, the difference between the Christian and the world, what it means to be Christians in the midst of a lost world, and practical things such as feeling alone, the possibility of a world-wide revival, implications of Calvinism, what it means to be certain, and praying for the world around us. Thank you for listening despite the Max’s hoarse voice, and we hope today’s longer episode lays some of the groundwork for the study of this book.

Next week we will be discussing the reading from chapter 2 of “Life in Christ” by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (pages 23-31).