Surface Noise | Digging For Loose Change

Vinyl Community Podcasts

Mar 29 2024 • 56 mins

Back with the least rewatchable livestream in the Vinyl Community, we bring you once again SURFACE NOISE for your earholes. Our dais was comprised of host Concert Buddie, Jason Roxas, Jose Moreno Rahn, and Arnaldo (fidelios_frequency) to talk about some hot topics and current events in the volatile world of vinyl record collecting. This spin around the turntable we discussed the following topics:

(-) Are the Acoustic Sounds Pablo jazz reissues necessary? (-) Anniversary Vinyl Reissues: cash grab (or not)? (-) In the "Golden Age" of vinyl reissues, will reissues hold any value?

For more on host Concert Buddie:

For more on Arnaldo (fidelios_frequency):

For more on Jason Roxas:

For more the latest YouTube livestream sensation, Jose Moreno Rahn:

For more on Vinyl Community Podcasts:

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