Is it codependency if we're aware of it? aka my marriage

The Uncomfortable Soul

Apr 2 2024 • 1 hr 18 mins

Sooo this episode is Liz and I just being crazy honest about our relationship. We started as codependent 12 step buddies that quickly fell in love and decided to share our messes with each other. Is that dramatic? Unfortunately no lol

**There is a trigger warning for this episode. We discuss domestic violence, manipulation, fears, and suicidal threats. **

We cover the first part of our journey before we became parents in this episode. The good, the bad, and the ugly. We were just two lost people DESPERATLY looking for that unconditional love we both craved. I hope you enjoy our experiences we share, while some are really humbling to discuss, I think it's important to normalize changing the toxic behaviors that don't work.

There will be a Part 2 where we talk about what I like to call "post divorce" growth and how different our relationship looks like today.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out here!