What is MOMGUL?


Aug 18 2020 • 6 mins

What is MOMGUL...you ask?  Well here's the definition:

MOMGUL [Mom + Mogul]
1 - puts herself first so she can be better for everyone around her

2 - determines her own definition of success

3 - tackles her dreams as she does boogers, bum wipes, bat sh*t tantrums - with unstoppable determination

Motherhood is hard, but it’s always gonna be hard. So instead of complaining, we talk about what we're gonna do about it!

MOMGUL was an idea born of postpartum depression and we wanted to create a community that no matter where you go, you always have a home.

At MOMGUL, we don't want followers, we want a family - join us here:

Instagram: @momgul
Facebook: @momgulofficial
LinkedIn: MOMGUL
Website: momgul.com

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