Living Directionally and Reflecting to Reset


Feb 27 2022 • 15 mins

Here's your MOMGUL breakdown:

5 minutes Physical – It's the final week where Raquel and Kristen are talking  'cleanses,' and this week it's all about expectations and that it's okay to lower the bar.

5 minutes FinancialFran Hauser, startup investor, speaker, and author of Embrace the Work, Love Your Career is back for one last weekwith advice on reflecting and resetting in our careers using mindfulness.  Listen to find out her morning ritual, and how you can implement mindfulness in your daily routine.

Connect with Fran:
-Buy the Book
-Frans Bookshelf

5 minutes Emotional - Kristen Glosserman, Executive, Life Coach and author of If It’s Not Right, Go Left is back to share some last minute tips with us on how we can start living directionally.  Now's the time to close your eyes and move towards that vision!

Connect with Kristen:
-Buy the Book

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