Hi Eczema Parent Warriors,

As parents, we encounter a multitude of daily hurdles in nurturing our children. From managing temper tantrums to navigating homework battles and potty training, the journey is filled with its share of challenges. And let's not forget the persistent itchiness and rashiness that brings us together here every Tuesday. It's natural to feel overwhelmed by these struggles of raising tiny humans, isn't it? But what if I suggested that one of the most significant hurdles we face, like in our case with our children's eczema and overall health, could be reframed into a source of empowerment and joy?

I'm thrilled because we have Albiona Rakipi from the Parenting Reframe Podcast joining us today. With over two decades of experience working with children and families as a pediatric speech and language pathologist, as well as being a mom of two and a writer, Albionia is incredibly knowledgeable in the parenting realm. Today, she'll be sharing practical tips and strategies to help us embrace the unique challenges we face, whether it's dealing with eczema or any other aspect of raising our precious humans. Let's dive in!

Take Care,


Resources From this Episode:

- The Parenting Reframe Podcast: https://theparentingreframe.com/podcast/

- The Parenting Reframe Website: https://theparentingreframe.com



Purchase Eczema-Healing, Nutrient-Delivering, Itch-Busting Herbal Oil and Skincare HERE https://eczemakids.com/soothing-skincare



Join The Clear Skin Kids Course as a VIP student for ALL THE BONUSES! Get a Simple, Actionable Plan to Get Rid of Your Child’s Eczema...Naturally! JOIN THE CLEAR SKIN COURSE HERE! https://eczemakids.com/workwithme



Join Our Free Eczema Solutions for Natural Healing and Comfort Community: https://www.facebook.com/groups/3218060598452484/



Get the Eczema FREE Product Guide and Toolkit: https://eczemakids.com/eczema-kids-safe-product-guide