Hey Friends,

Valentine's Day is upon us and for my kids, Valentines is synonymous with chocolate, but for parents of children with eczema, navigating this sweet-filled holiday can be tricky. While chocolate is a beloved treat for many, its effects on skin health, particularly for those with eczema, require a closer look. So today, we'll explore the dermatological effects of cocoa, and offer (really GOOD) alternative treats to make Valentine's Day enjoyable for kids with eczema. 🙂

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Get the Eczema FREE Product Guide and Toolkit: https://eczemakids.com/eczema-kids-safe-product-guide



Purchase Eczema-Healing Skincare That Nurtures the Skin Microbiome, Addresses Staph Infections and Itching and Provides Deep Moisture to Revitalize the Skin PURCHASE YOUR THREE-PART COMFORT SYSTEM HERE https://eczemakids.com/soothing-skincare



Join The Clear Skin Kids Course For An Actionable Plan to Get Rid of Your Child’s Eczema Naturally! JOIN THE CLEAR SKIN COURSE HERE! https://eczemakids.com/workwithme

Take Care,

Andra McHugh