Ambujam Rose: Say YES to Being You! + Mini Group Power Healing

Your Divine Uniqueness

Feb 18 2022 • 1 hr 44 mins

Ambujam Rose & Spirit brought very deep support and healing to saying the deep YES to being yourself! She shares how to live as an awakened human, merging our human aspect with the truth within us, to navigate the continuous personal & global shifts and the energies that are constantly accelerating... and much more... Experience Ambujam's one-of-a-kind Group Power Healing mini-session here on Your Divine Uniqueness! Instantly release fears of saying yes to yourself. Reconcile emotional pain, Soul history, traumas and not feeling safe which repeats cycles of saying no to being you. Embody your truth. Activate your next levels of Self. Leap forward through thresholds of consciousness NOW that would have taken weeks, months, years, lifetimes. ... and so much more. Ambujam Rose's website: Join the LIVE sessions: Our Special Programs & Offers: Ambujam is an Embodiment Activator, Wayshower, Guide, and Healer. Ambujam's one-of-a-kind Group Power Healings accelerate your path of personal healing, awakening and embodying your true-self. Her powerful mix of quick-focused energy clearings + spot-on guidance INSTANTLY pulls out the roots of complex spiritual issues, life themes, reconciles Soul-history and removes ego-identities. Your energy frees up for faster embodiment, your true-self activates, you self-empower and energize your heart’s rightful path. Ambujam's Group Power Healings have accelerated the path to freedom for over 20 years. Her dedication to embodying her own path continuously creates her work to meet the evolutionary needs of humanity.