No 1 Side Hustles you can do as an Immigrant- Custom Drycleaning

Dwell In The Land

Sep 1 2023 • 4 mins

Welcome back to another Series of Dwell in the Land. I'm your host, Ropo Tusin, and today we're diving into a topic that's close to the hearts of many immigrants out there – side hustles. Whether you're seeking additional income, pursuing a passion, or simply adapting to your new environment, side hustles can be a game-changer. So, let's explore 15 side hustles that can help immigrants thrive.

Kicking off our list is the world of Custom Drycleaning. This side hustles offers immense opportunities for immigrants to leverage their skills and understanding of our native wears. An area that is not explored by indigenes partly because they do not understand how we take care of our African wears and the delicate materials and beads used.

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