(40) FLASHLIGHT! Offering Our Two Cents

Light In Your Corner

Mar 16 2024 • 40 mins

FLASHLIGHT! Offering Our Two Cents

How is generosity a liberating force? How can five dollars increase our faith?

This isn’t an ad. We aren’t asking for your money. We are just dipping our toes into Luke 21 because when Jesus stops to notice things, it’s a good idea for us to pay attention.

It’s our first ever Flashlight–we hope you enjoy this briefer, but just as light, discussion!


  • God doesn’t need you to fund His projects
  • Having the hots for Luther
  • Litter receptacles in Bible times?
  • How giving isn’t just good for the recipient, it’s good for the giver

First steps to giving:

  • Pray for the want to
  • Be deliberate with your gratitude
  • Pick something to give up for a time and use that money to be generous somewhere else

#giving #generosity #money #jesus #trust #faith #lightinyourcorner #light #gospel

Luke 21:1-4

On C.S. Lewis and giving: https://www.mogiv.com/2016/04/how-much-is-enough-c-s-lewis-one-rule-for-generosity/

Info about ancient offering boxes and more: https://bible.org/seriespage/lesson-95-giving-pleases-lord-luke-211-4

The Minimalists: https://www.theminimalists.com/

Mission https://www.lcms.org/makeagift/mission-