(30) Good News: It’s in There Somewhere

Light In Your Corner

Nov 28 2023 • 59 mins

Good News: It’s in There Somewhere

You guys, Luke 12 has some words. Jesus warns and comforts, warns and comforts, warns and comforts. Today we talk about both and we have some good news for you:

The comfort wins.

Where is the comfort when we are lonely and forgotten? When we are in need? When we are divided?

It is where it always was: in Jesus. And you and I have Jesus in abundance.

So then we ask, where does our neighbor find comfort?

The answer is the same, but the vehicle for their comfort might look a lot like you.


  • God sees it–He sees your service.
  • Trusting God gives us freedom to let go and help others.
  • What can we do to show people that they matter? How can we connect?
  • Is it even a parade if it doesn’t have candy?

LIGHT: It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom! There is nothing to fear.

ACTION: Reach out to someone who might be lonely. If it is you, still reach out!


Come Let Us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/1433556693/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_plhdr=t&aaxitk=eb2aa079a02b554a6c34dfb3f1542601&hsa_cr_id=0&qid=1701200389&sr=1-1-9e67e56a-6f64-441f-a281-df67fc737124&ref_=sbx_be_s_sparkle_sccd_asin_0_title&pd_rd_w=gEsrT&content-id=amzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b%3Aamzn1.sym.417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_p=417820b0-80f2-4084-adb3-fb612550f30b&pf_rd_r=BSGY4N2S4KNAF7DX72BQ&pd_rd_wg=SU8CK&pd_rd_r=b0beee96-3e9f-4204-b919-3c8bdb6d5439

Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Christmas-Timothy-Keller-audiobook/dp/B01LY0WS4S/ref=sr_1_1?crid=19PDSDSBKVSQ&keywords=hidden+christmas+timothy+keller&qid=1701200389&sprefix=Hidden%2Caps%2C124&sr=8-1

One Hit Wonder?: Lil Boo Thing by Paul Russell

Veggie Tales: Saint Nicholas (on Prime now!) https://www.amazon.com/Veggietales-Saint-Nicholas-Joyful-Giving/dp/B002FOFX6U/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2HFGCPJCAB1VZ&keywords=veggie+tales+saint+nicholas+dvd&qid=1701200181&sprefix=Veggie+tales+sa%2Caps%2C127&sr=8-1

Cup of Comfort Book: https://www.amazon.com/Cup-Comfort-Book-Christmas-Prayer/dp/1440500517/ref=sr_1_2?crid=NQ14GTL65DE0&keywords=Cup+of+comfort+Christmas&qid=1701189511&sprefix=cup+of+comfort+christmas%2Caps%2C119&sr=8-2

Ann Voskamp