What‘s Our Seat Number?

Jonny and Simon Gross

Jonny is a filmmaker and Si is a 3D graphic artist. We are two brothers who love films. If you do as well, maybe you‘ll enjoy listening to us discuss movies, good and bad, while we relive our childhoods, deconstruct them and go off on tangents. Be advised, this podcast contains strong language, including sexual swearwords. read less
TV & FilmTV & Film


EPISODE 39 - Hook (1991) - 19-02-24 - "That's A Floggin' Looly"
Feb 19 2024
EPISODE 39 - Hook (1991) - 19-02-24 - "That's A Floggin' Looly"
Well, my stupid, sorry, parasitic sacks of entrails… a new episode awaits your listening pleasure.  Clear out the wax in your ears and use it to curl your moustache, because this week, we're talking about Steven Spielberg’s version of Peter flockin’ flyin’ Pan - Hook (1991)! Peter Pan was a big deal to me. After having been to see the play, I rolled up paper and stuck it down the back of my shirt to emulate the wires the actors flew on and I ran around the house like that, flying and fighting Captain Hook.  You can imagine my surpise when the men came to take me away.  But I've been back for two weeks now and have never felt better. But digression is a mortal sin, and I do digress. Blah blah steamboat pickle schnozz on a pile of poo. What follows is two hours long.  Yes, two.  Not one, not one and a half.  Two.   My advice?  Strap in.  But get your enema first. We have some preliminary discussions about the re-release of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace on it's 25th anniversary and sex, two uneasy bedfellows.   Our quiz this week was sponsored by Hyperbollick Bollix and is a collossal waste of time and resources, so enjoy that.  Si sure did! And of course, our awfully big adventure with Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman and Julia Roberts, whose feet remain clean almost throughout (damn that inkpad) and all of whom are upstaged by a red mohawk. Now, I want you to bend your heads ever so slightly.  A little more...that's it.  And brace yourselves listeners, because this...is really going to hurt...   MUSIC TRACKS Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude. Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal. Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions. Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.
EPISODE 38 - Arachnophobia (1990) - 17-01-24
Jan 17 2024
EPISODE 38 - Arachnophobia (1990) - 17-01-24
What's your greatest phobia? Si and Jonny delve deeply into the weird and baffling world of fear in this week's episode, our first one back in over 3 months! Are you excited?  Are you hopping up and down with glee?  Are you perspiring with unfettered joy?  Or is it more a case of a subtle raise of the eyebrows and a muttering of "oh, right..." before adding this to a perpetually growing queue of podcast episodes that you won't get to before 2026, if it even survives the inevitable purge in a few month's time? Cynical?  Moi? Well, seeing as no-one reads this, I can say whatever I want, can't I?  I like I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.  Yes, I do.  It's not the best, but I like it, so you can shove it up your arse.  Yes, I've gone rogue and I don't care who knows it.  I used to eat Coco Pops out of two plastic cups.  One with Coco Pops and milk in it and one with just Coco Pops for a refill.  It was glorious.  I used to lie on my bed, watch 24 and eat it with a plastic spoon.  I bloody loved it and I'm not even ashamed.  The song "Hello, Hello, Hello" by Remi Wolf is on my playlist and I don't skip it when it comes on.  You wanna start something?  Come on!  I'm right here!  The ship sinks!  Bruce Willis is a ghost!  It's a sled!!!   Ahem... Sorry about that.  I seem to have gotten Gizmo wet and fed the offspring after midnight... So here's another episode, we talked about Jaws...er...Arachnophobia. The one with the spiders and Harry from Speed. Peace out.   MUSIC TRACKS Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude. Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal. Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions. Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.
EPISODE 34 - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) “Pastrami!  Pastrami!” - 28-06-23
Jun 29 2023
EPISODE 34 - Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) “Pastrami! Pastrami!” - 28-06-23
Hello, and welcome to the new What's Our Seat Number.  No longer the frivolous, whimsical, sarcastic and erotic podcast that you're used to.  Instead we will now approach each subject with serious, sober reflection and a grave, businesslike demenour.  You can call us Fred Austere.  This podcast is now officially dour and funereal. Right down to that strange hiccuping, burping noise Si made.  He also channels Luis from Ant-Man for some of the finest summarising anyone's ever done, ever. This week, we review Steven Spielberg and George Lucas' classic Raiders of the Lost Ark, for no apparent reason other than we wanted to.  No-one else has done anything Indiana Jones-centric this month at all, and there's nothing significant happening in the world of Indiana Jones right now.   We also decided to keep it short, glossing over each scene with never so much as more than a passing mention, for a paltry 2 hours, making this one of our shortest episodes ever for a film we really have no nostalgia, reverence or even a mild passion for.  It's really just a big dud, isn't it?  Perfectly round boulders made of fibreglass?  Ha.  Bollocks.  That's not realistic at all.  Boulders are made of rock.  Idiots. Si came up with an awesome Indy quiz that stumped Jonny more frequently than once...and quick visits to Trivia Corner and VFX Attic reveal Raiders' secrets that you can likely Google and find more quickly than it took us to talk about them. Hear Si complain about the speed of our progress every few minutes (which invariably slows us down further) and hear Jonny pronounce Toht as Tote several times (that’s how Spielberg says it, but maybe it’s pronounced Tot?) PLUS! Jonny brings on a very special guest to talk about her opinion of Raiders' ending, something they disagree on, but Jonny's stuck with her, so what to do... witness the podcast debut of Michal Gross, Jonny’s missus. So sit back and relax, because this ramble will take you on a journey.  Where, you ask?  I don't know, we're making this up as we go... POD ART  - Once again Si has conjured up some awesome episode art for this episode.  I'm just glad he didn't go with the mooning golden idol with my face on it... Check him out on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/sigrossart Instagram - sigrossart   MUSIC TRACKS Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude. Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal. Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions. Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus.
EPISODE 32 - Superman The Movie (1978) - “Miss TessmachEEEERRR!” - 04-06-23
Jun 4 2023
EPISODE 32 - Superman The Movie (1978) - “Miss TessmachEEEERRR!” - 04-06-23
I'm going to teach you all something very very valuable right now about podcasting.  Prepare yourselves, because these are pearls of wisdom right here.   The key to having a successful podcast is CONSISTENCY.   So here we are, willy nilly releasing episodes a couple of weeks apart, a couple of months apart...our last full episode was mid-April...so...yeah.  Consistency.  Always consistency. Having said that, this episode is a cracker! Where else can you get Movie News that's over a month old without going back and listening to old... ... ...yeah, I suppose you could do that.  And why not?  We have fun, don't we?   This week's episode deals with the absolute clusterfuck that was the making of Superman The Movie and Superman II. And next week, we go into to detail comparing and contrasting Superman II the theatrical cut with the more recent Richard Donner Cut, the original director who was fired after having completed 80% of Superman II and was given a chance in 2006 to realise his vision.  Also, we got a couple of Daleks to do Trivia Corner, so listen out for that... Also be sure to take a gander at Si's pod art for this week, it's bloody gorgeous! Enjoy!   MUSIC TRACKS Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude. Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal. Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions. Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus. Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge. News by MusicalSmile.
EPISODE 28 - Die Hard (1988) - 09-01-23
Jan 9 2023
EPISODE 28 - Die Hard (1988) - 09-01-23
Yippee Ki-Yay mothercluckers!  Fresh from game design stardom and slumming it with us once again, my co-host Simon Gross has finally returned!  Much like chickens batting exploding eggs at each other with frying pans, our conversation this evening was once again fraught with banter, slurred words and the constant, unprofessional shitting of the proverbial and literal bed.  In this episode, we talk about late film critic Robert Eejit’s favourite Passover flick Die Hard (1988) starring Bruce McClane, Bonnie Langford, Dwayne The Rock Robinson, Reginald JeanValJeanson, Hart Bochhhhner, The Sherriff of Rottingham, Necros from The Living Daylights, Dickless from Ghostbusters, Him Out Of That Thing, Weird blonde bloke from The Money Pit and, in a bit part, Viggo the Carpathian.      Disclaimer - Movie News might be a tad out of date due to the break between episodes…but I think it’s…seamless.  Merry Christmas, everyone! So, when you get where you’re going, take off your shoes and your socks and walk around on the rug barefoot and make fists witcha toes.  While listening to this episode of course.  Yessir, better than a shower and hawt cup of cawfee.  Trust me, I’m doin’ this fa niiiiiiine years. In the meantime, I’ll just say farewell and wish you a very happy Yo Nesbow.   MUSIC TRACKS Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude. Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal. Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions. Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus. Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge. News by MusicalSmile. A Halloween - Wolf_Music
EPISODE 27 - The Pagemaster (1994) “The Egg-Zit!” - 08-11-22
Nov 8 2022
EPISODE 27 - The Pagemaster (1994) “The Egg-Zit!” - 08-11-22
A veritable Russian Doll of tangents are at the fore of this week’s episode, where the sheer amount of unrelated topics careening wildly off the road is positively mind boggling.  It’s like, you know when you’re in the middle of a sentence and you think of something else and then you get stuck on that thing but you were supposed to be talking about something else?  That’s this episode.  Right…where was I?  Oh yes…The Pagemaster!  It’s a film that we’re talking about this week, with microphones precariously balanced on mic stands only prevented from falling over by apples in a bag hung from the back and a pop filter wedged into the shock mount taped to a plastic knife.  And why?  Because both mic stand and pop filter broke within minutes of each other before recording.  But that’s neither here or there.  I just wanted you to know how hard it was. As a result, Jonny’s mood took a turn for the cantankerous with the black cloud that used to form over Si’s head ominously gliding over to him, with hilarious and/or annoying results.  You decide.  Boobies are mentioned, Jonny explains what auto-correct is, we forget which Planet of the Apes movie is which, something about Henry Cavill… And we talk about The Pagemaster for roughly some of the runtime, I promise.   All together now: The egg-zit! MUSIC TRACKS Modern Funk Groove by StudioEtude. Feel The 80s by Nuclearmetal. Adventure Battle Victory Ident by MPAudioSolutions. Job Done Comedy Logo by FlossieWood Jazz Jingle Logo by RedOctopus. Nightly News Impact Logo by HollywoodEdge. News by MusicalSmile. A Halloween - Wolf_Music