What to do if your manifestation isn't here yet

Affirmation Addict Podcast

May 7 2024 • 25 mins

If you feel like you’ve tried everything, and your desire still isn’t here yet… let’s chat! In this episode, we talk through how to navigate the absence of your manifestation and what to do about it. Whether you’ve been manifesting it for years or days, the timing doesn’t matter. This episode is for you if you can’t help but notice the lack of your desire, because it’s the only thing that you can focus on. My intention is to help you navigate out of that with this episode!


  1. Reasons why your desire may not be here yet
  2. Things you can actually do while it’s not here
  3. Perspectives to help you reframe

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Step-by-Step Guide to Manifestation as a Lifestyle: 10-step approach that consistently helps me manifest everything into my life. No secrets here.