How to build (and stick to) a spiritual practice that actually works

Affirmation Addict Podcast

May 21 2024 • 21 mins

If you’ve tried building a spiritual practice and have never been able to stick to it or see actual results from it, this episode is for you. We start off by discussing the actual importance of a spiritual practice, and I can almost guarantee that it’s not what you think. Our spiritual practice isn’t for the universe to deliver our desires. Come tune into this episode to find out the real reason everyone recommends having a manifestation practice + how to build one that you’ll actually look forward to!


  1. The real reasons behind a spiritual practice
  2. How to curate your own spiritual practice
  3. How to guarantee results with your spiritual practice

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Step-by-Step Guide to Manifestation as a Lifestyle: 10-step approach that consistently helps me manifest everything into my life. No secrets here.