Like You Mean It

Noelia T

Hello incredible soul!

Welcome to the Like You Mean It podcastwhere we will talk all things mindset, confidence, entrepreneurship and all the nitty gritty insights on how to live life on purpose and create your dream life.

Get ready for deep conversations with fellow creatives and entrepreneurs as well as honest shares and absolute FIRE solo episodes to give you a thorough look and feel for what it takes to live like you mean it and intentionally craft your own fulfilling AF life.

Now, let's have some fun, let's grow and let's actually live like we mean it!

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20: The No.1 way you're sabotaging your confidence (and what to do instead)
Jun 2 2024
20: The No.1 way you're sabotaging your confidence (and what to do instead)
This episode is short, sharp & sweet and still delivers a powerful punch (especially if you have EVER said, thought or felt that you were a perfectionist). You'll hear about:- confidence and what it really entails- how you may be breaking or sabotaging your confidence- the hard truth about perfectionism - the choice you have to either do the damn thing or choose perfectionism/inaction - how to break the shame, guilt, shoulds and coulds that may arise even after you choose to do the damn thing - the importance of taking responsibility and choosing your priorities I can't wait for you to dive in and for this mindset shifting episode to help you be more intentional with growing your confidence & creating a life you love. If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
19:  Being healthy (long-term) like you mean it - with Amy Mingin
May 26 2024
19: Being healthy (long-term) like you mean it - with Amy Mingin
If you've tried many fad diets, have an on-and-off relationship with food, find yourself yo-yoing in weight or tying your weight to your worth, then you'll definitely value this epsiode. In this episode, I had the honour of interviewing the incredible Amy Mingin who is the creator of the health program I've been a part of since the end of February. I share my results (wait til you hear those! WOW!) and we get to chatting about Amy's journey and expertise, the inspiration behind the program, why most people aren't as healthy as they want, what sets it apart, having intentionality with your health and SO much more! Cannot WAIT to hear your takeaways! For more information on Amy, check out below: Amy Mingin is a business coach, best-selling author, speaker, naturopath, yoga & meditation teacher, wife and mum of two, residing on the Gold Coast in Australia.She has helped thousands of people find their inner spark, access their version of perfect health & scale sustainable businesses over the last 16 years.She facilitates personal development events, retreats, and quantum healing training for people in Australia and worldwide. Want more information on joining Catalyst? Click here Amy Mingin's website: note: I am NOT an affiliate and do NOT make any money for recommending Catalyst. I simply enjoyed my journey and found a lot of value in my experience, enough to want to share it with YOU! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
16: Exposing my shame, fears and doubts with you
May 5 2024
16: Exposing my shame, fears and doubts with you
Ahhh who doesn't love a good ole confessional podcast episode, right? It was time to get really real with you.In this episode, I decided to grab the mic and essentially share some of the top things I've been moving through behind-the-scenes, mostly because of stories, truths and mindset hurdles I CREATED for myself. It's unedited, raw and even though I even had my doubts about the way I worded things, how I expressed myself and whether it would be received the way I actually meant it, I decided to hit publish anyways.You will hear why I decided to do this, what I've chosen to HIDE behind, the shame, fears, doubts and also our latest major life update as a family. I hope you really let the takeways land into your heart today, and may you remember that we are all connected through this - our humanity! Enjoy this episode & I look forward to hearing what you appreciated hearing most! To download your free digital product guide, click the link below: GET YOUR FREE GUIDE HEREFill out your name & email, and it'll be sent to your inbox for free! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
15: The truth behind navigating rock bottom (twice) and creating your dream life by 30 with Rhi Thistlethwaite
Apr 28 2024
15: The truth behind navigating rock bottom (twice) and creating your dream life by 30 with Rhi Thistlethwaite
Imagine creating everything you could want by the age of 30 and then being left what?This episode is SO JUICY as I interview Rhi Thistlethwaite, an incredible mindset and business coach and my mentor for four years. We spoke about:- hitting financial rock bottom, posting it online and what happened the moment she decided to go ALL IN on her business- creating 10k months within 6 months of going all in- manifesting her dream life by the age of 30- embodying vs intellectualising - hitting emotional rock bottom and navigating the reality of what that looked & felt like behind-the-scenes- being the bad guy in other peoples' stories - doing  marketing & business according to other people's version of wealth and success, and what happened when she turned that focus back within her- creating YOUR individual version of success- how everything you could ever want or need is within you and what that actually looks like when working with a coach or mentor and SO much more! If you absolutely love this soul chat and get gold from this conversation (which I GUARANTEE you will), send us a message to let us know your biggest takeaway and what you loved most! Rhi Thistlethwaite & her business, The Freedom Lifestyle, can be found on Instagram at you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
14. How to stop letting comparison & not being "expert enough" keep you from taking action
Apr 21 2024
14. How to stop letting comparison & not being "expert enough" keep you from taking action
Oh boy, another short, sharp and sweet episode with a deep mindset shift to help you move forward and create the life you love! In this episode, I share with you a powerful 'download' or message that came through for me super strongly, and it's all around self-belief.If you're someone who finds yourself falling into the comparison trap often, where you see someone gaining success one way and suddenly feel like your way isn't good enough (or like you need to change to do it like them in order to be succesful)...or if you're someone who feels like you need to learn more, grow more, get more certifications or degrees before you go out there and share your gifts, make money, help people or start creating the life you actually desire...Then this episode is DEFINITELY for you. No matter what, I guarantee this simple yet powerful mindset shift and phrase will help you feel more confident in yourself and in taking action NOW AS YOU GROW instead of waiting and waiting and waiting....Let me know what you love most about this episode! I can't wait to hear from you.If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
12: STOP SAYING THIS PHRASE SO MUCH (for deeper connections, confidence & growth)
Apr 7 2024
12: STOP SAYING THIS PHRASE SO MUCH (for deeper connections, confidence & growth)
I bet you say this phrase A LOT. Most people say it by default multiple times a day! So you're definitely not alone, plus I used to say it all the time until I realised exactly what I share in this episode.The moment I had this HUGE a-ha moment about a three worded phrase we all say SO DARN OFTEN, I also realised just how much it SHUTS DOWN our minds and sabotages our connections, our confidence and our growth. You'll not only hear about what this super common phrase is and how it's sabotaging parts of your life, you'll also hear some valuable phrases you can use instead to keep your mind open, deepen your connections, boost your decisiveness & confidence and fuel your growth in many ways! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
11: Everything you've been told is a lie (and also true)
Apr 1 2024
11: Everything you've been told is a lie (and also true)
Have you ever gone to Google a solution to your problem only to find 109302582 different perspectives on it?"You HAVE TO do this to be successful""If you don't do this, this AND THIS, you can't expect to get the results you want." "You NEED this in order to succeed." But you REALLY?Have you ever taken advice only to feel so yucky doing the 'things' these people said you 'had to do'? And then you found yourself resenting your journey instead of feeling like it's aligned?How do you know what advice to follow when there's SO MUCH NOISE, information and perpesctives being shared online every single day?Well, my friend, I GOT YOU. This episode will help. It's a perfect insight into this very issue - that everything you hear is a LIE (and it's also true) and what you can actually DO about it in order to make the best decisions for YOURSELF & to create a life you love.You're going to feel so relieved and empowered when you hear this episode, and I would LOVE to hear your feedback and what your biggest takeaway is! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
9: Saying God again (WITHOUT being religious) & honoring your growth LIKE YOU MEAN IT
Mar 20 2024
9: Saying God again (WITHOUT being religious) & honoring your growth LIKE YOU MEAN IT
Welcome to another short, sharp, bite-sized episode to help you lean into what feels best for you LIKE YOU MEAN IT! In this episode, I take you through the story of my relationship with the word GOD and how I refused to say it for a while (saying Universe or Source instead) and how I found myself saying it again this year out of the blue...This story perfectly weaves in the concepts of leaning into what feels best and right for YOU, even if it looks like you're back-flipping on someone you were before. It's about honouring your GROWTH & your EVOLUTION as a human and how to stand in that power! ENJOY THIS BITE-SIZED EPISODE & I look forward to hearing your takeaways and what you will start unapologetically leaning into about yourself now! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
8: Make the most out of your life by tuning into the power of your cycle - with Kat Taniberg
Mar 17 2024
8: Make the most out of your life by tuning into the power of your cycle - with Kat Taniberg
Talk about female empowerment! There’s nothing quite as empowering as KNOWLEDGE and I absolutely loved this conversation with the incredible life coach, Kat Taniberg, who also specialises in feminine embodiment and women’s CYCLES.The more we know about ourselves as women AND the more men know about women (yes, gentlemen, this episode is just as important for you to listen to as well) and what we go through within our bodies every single month, the more empowered we can all be as a society! Yes, the ripple effect can be THAT BIG when we empower ourselves with this information! We talk about everything from:Kat’s story and how she went from studying to be a lawyer to becoming a holistic health coach, yoga instructor and now powerful life coach who has an expertise in women’s cycles and feminine embodiment  The reality (and courage it takes) to pivot in life (from hormones to business models to following our purpose) How women are CYCLICAL in nature The seasons we go through as women and how to MAXIMISE them in every way (even if you don’t currently have a menstrual cycle) The shadows to each phase of our cycles/seasons and how to best move through them The power of working on your mindset And sooo much more! You can find Kat on Instagram at us know your biggest takeaways from this episode! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
6: Confidence, body image and my NUDE photoshoot with Real & Raw Photographer Tara Bee
Mar 10 2024
6: Confidence, body image and my NUDE photoshoot with Real & Raw Photographer Tara Bee
What a special conversation to have! As someone who struggled with my body image for decades, I had the most empowering experiencing stripping down (literally) in front of the camera for my maternity photos last year. In this episode, I had the honour of interviewing Real & Raw Photographer, Tara Bee, founder of In Her Light photography. You'll hear about things like: - The breadcrumbs that led perfectly to the creation of In Her Light- Tara's (aka Tazzie) own  experience with her body image and confidence- What it's like being in behind the camera AND in front of it- My experience with body image issues and my growth journey - Mindset insights on what progress really looks and feels like when it comes to things like confidence and self love - My own experience dong a semi-nude and fully nude photoshoot on a public beach And soooo much more! Be sure to let us know your biggest takeaways! Of course, if you'd love to connect with Tazzie, you can find her at @inherlight_ on Instagram and check out her website here  For confidence and mindset coaching & support in stepping into your most confident self this year, send me a message on Instagram (click here) or book a call here If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
5: How to turn your excuses into action with one powerful question
Mar 6 2024
5: How to turn your excuses into action with one powerful question
BONUS EPISODE! Welcome to March Mindset Madness! I'll be releasing a bonus, bite-sized episode EVERY WEEK in addition to the usual Monday episodes, and they'll all be centred around MINDSET. This episode was actually recorded in December, before I even had a podcast name or equipment. In it, I'll be sharing with you the list I made about all the reasons why I COULDN'T start a podcast...aka, the excuses I was making to delay something I really wanted to do! I'll also be sharing the process & POWERFUL QUESTION you can ask yourself to give you the mindset shift you need to go from 'I can't do it' to 'I AM DOING IT.' Bite into this morsel of mindset goodness & send me a message to let me know what you loved most! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
4: How to MAKE MORE MONEY without working harder for it - with Rebekah Jade
Mar 3 2024
4: How to MAKE MORE MONEY without working harder for it - with Rebekah Jade
Let’s talk about MONEY and how we can have more of it, shall we?Money is still quite a ‘taboo’ topic to chat about in society, yet we all need it to survive and thrive in this world!In this episode, I got to interview the incredible money mindset coach Rebekah Jade (AKA Bek) and we opened Pandora’s box on all things money, from removing the shame and guilt we feel around money, how traditional ‘budgeting’ is not the vibe and how you can become an energetic match for money so that you can attract more of it without working longer or harder for it.In this episode,  you’ll hear about:How Bek went from being a broke, bankrupt, divorced single mum by the age of 25 to now running a multiple six-figure business, traveling the world with her partner (who she retired), working 2 hours a day and celebrating an incredible $53k month in January (10:15) Questioning whether “there has to be more to life” (19:25) The power of making choices and positive “what ifs” (23:15) Paying yourself first (26:00)Feeling worthy spending money on yourself (34:00) Healing and reprogramming childhood beliefs around money (35:50)Your money blueprint and how your beliefs create your reality (39:00)I get to instead of I have to with money (42:30) Pivoting, changing and growing as an entrepreneur (45:40) Removing SHAME around money (48:00) F*** budgeting and what to do instead (58:35)How a Gucci rep KNOWS when someone is and isn’t going to buy; and what to do TODAY to feel more worthy to buy (1:06:10)Your current situation is not your final destination (1:12:00) & heaps more absolute gems throughout this episode! TAKE NOTES & SAVE THIS EPISODE to listen to it more than once (yes, it's THAT good). If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
3: How to create a strong personal brand for long-term success - with Deija
Feb 25 2024
3: How to create a strong personal brand for long-term success - with Deija
What do business owners, entrepreneurs, digital marketers, UGC creators, content creators, influencers and most creatives in the online space have in common?THE NEED TO HAVE A STANDOUT BRAND! (AKA the very thing that makes McDonalds, Taylor Swift and luxury brands extremely profitable)That’s exactly why we brought in the incredible Deija Waller from The Divine Design to dish all about BRANDING, from the power of a strong personal brand to sharing some HOT TAKES about common advice in the industry that is NOT the vibe (if you’re wanting to create long-term, personalised success that is).This episode is PACKED with juicy content, and you’ll hear about things like:Having the courage to pivot along your entrepreneurial/business journey despite backlash (11:11) What is branding? (14:48) Why so many big companies have gone into using influencer marketing, personal branding and smaller content creators (17:50) How brands like Skims are using smaller influencers to get more sales (20:30)How personal branding can only benefit you, even if you’re in a traditional 9 to 5 (21:05)YOU DO NOT NEED TO NICHE DOWN & what to do instead (22:30) Essence vs identity in branding (25:35) Debunking the “just be you” advice (26:30)Are you your brand? (27:55) If you’re not strengthening your brand, you’re weakening it (29:20) How you can call in your dream client with your branding (30:50)& SO MUCH MORE! I can’t wait to hear your favourite takeaways from this episode & how this in-depth chat on BRANDING YOURSELF LIKE YOU MEAN IT helps you to grow your business, passion project or personal brand! —Deija is a branding specialist and graphic designer at The Divine Design who works with colour psychology, energetics, intuition & the power of vision to bring to life your dream brand!She works with entrepreneurs, business owners (established & emerging) to discover their brand, activate their brand voice, elevate their online presence to stand out and create content that actually authentically sells.She has worked with a multitude of business owners and helped them to move out of their plateau, bring in their biggest cash months yet, increase their sales and attract their dream clients/customers simply through up-levelling their branding.To get in touch with Deija, you can find her at on InstagramIf you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page
2: The POWER of starting without a plan
Feb 21 2024
2: The POWER of starting without a plan
Everyone starts somewhere, and this episode proves just that. This episode was my first ever recording for ‘the podcast,’ before I had ANY plan whatsoever.No podcast name. No microphone.No editing software or hosting platforms. No idea what the heck I was really doing! Yet, in sitting down, hitting record and DOING THE THING, I UNLOCKED POWERFUL tools, codes and possibilities…which is exactly what happens when YOU hit go on yourself, even without a big plan. You’ll hear about:getting started without a plancreating evidence for your unconscious mindcourage and confidence codesproving your ‘worst case scenario’ wrong& more powerful takeaways to feel activated and actually take action in the direction of what it is you truly desire. Hit PLAY on this episode and watch how fast you’ll be hitting PLAY on YOU and your own goals! If you haven’t already, subscribe to Like You Mean It on Spotify here and on Apple here so you never miss a juicy, wholehearted episode to help you intentionally create a fulfilling life you love! If you enjoyed this episode and feel aligned, I would love to receive a 5 star rating and review from you sharing what you LOVE about LYMI! It’s such a quick way (just one or two minutes) to create a beautiful impact in helping other people find this show! Not to mention, it warms my heart, and I am deeply grateful for YOU! I'd love to hear from you! Come say HI: Noelia’s Instagram: Like You Mean It Instagram: Like You Mean It Facebook page