BONUS: The Final Countdown End of Days in Scripture

Renewed Mindsets: Don't Conform-TRANSFORM

May 20 2024 • 13 mins

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Signs and Events of the End Times Explained in Scripture:

Psalms 2

  • The Psalm of the battle of Armageddon: Nations rage; God laughs; and the exaltation of Christ as Lord
The Book of Daniel

  • An over view of God's dealing with human governments
  • A time line of events from the days of Daniel, 598 B.C. to Palm Sunday, April 6, 30 A.D. (approximately)
  • An overview of the last seven years before the Second Coming known as the Great Tribulation which begins with a peace treaty between Israel and a confederation of European states and ends with the Battle of Armageddon  and the return of Christ
Ezekiel 37

  • The prophecy of the return of Jews from all over the world to the land of Israel to reestablish the nation of Israel (the dispersion occurred in 70 A.D. and against all odds, the return took place in 1948 A.D.)
  • The battle between Gog, from the land of the north (Magog), that is directly north of Jerusalem (Russia??) and the nation of Israel. Gog, who is allied with a number of African nations is soundly defeated. The battle probably occurs before the time of Great Tribulation.
Zechariah 12:10-14

  • The Israelites weep and repent when they see the nail-scarred hands of Christ at the second coming.
Matthew 24

  • Known as the Olivet Discourse, Jesus answers the Disciples' questions about the end times and the future destruction of Israel.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

  • A description of the rapture when Jesus comes "for His saints" and takes them to Heaven.
  • The swiftness and stealth of the Second Coming is detailed.
2 Thessalonians 2:1-12

  • Beware of the coming Antichrist who is revealed when he sets up the Abomination of Desolation.
  • The Antichrist has deceptive tools to fool the world.
  • When "that which restrains" (either the Holy Spirit or the church) is removed from earth, the Lord's wrath is unleashed.
1 Peter 4:7-11

  • An outline of how to behave during the last days
2 Peter 2

  • A description of wicked men during the last days
  • The Second Coming time table

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The Intro/Outro music is Are You Ready? by Floodgate. From the Album, Are You Ready? copyright 2002 OffBeat Ministries, Inc.
Floodgate is available on Apple Music and iTunes.
Music used with permission.

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