The Seven Churches (5): "Thyatira," or, Seeing the Roman Catholic Church for What It Truly Is

The Christian Faith Podcast

May 2 2024 • 59 mins

As the followers of Christ, it is important for us to not only love what the Lord loves, but also to hate what the Lord hates; otherwise, it indicates that our love for the Lord may not be so genuine, or at least, not so enduring. So, in this episode of the podcast we consider the Lord’s word to the church in Thyatira in Revelation 2:18-29. To this church the Lord says that He has “the eyes like a flame of fire,” because in His word here He burns away all its false, outward appearance to expose this church for what it truly is. In brief, Thyatira prefigures the Roman Catholic church; the Lord’s word here corresponds to His Parable of the Tares in Matthew 13:33, and also to the vision of the Great Harlot of Revelation 17. All of these passages make it very clear that the Lord considers the Roman Catholic church to abomination. Far from being the one true church, as it so strongly claims for itself, it is the continuation of the pagan system of worship found in ancient Rome, which in turn was a continuation of so much of the paganism of the ancient Middle East. While this is a very negative topic, if we see the real nature of the Roman church, it will be a great protection to us, to keep us from being deceived by that evil religious system as we seek to follow Christ today. We will also appreciate much more fully the Lord’s desire to have the one true church, which is composed of all the genuine believers in Christ, as His spotless bride.

Length: 1 Hour










Previous Episodes The Seven Churches (4): Thyatira, the Apostate, Pagan, Roman Catholic Church

Websites Wikipedia: The Pontifex Maximus

Wikipedia: Pope Damascus

Bible Verses See The Seven Churches (5): Seeing Thyatira, the Roman Catholic Church, for What It Truly Is”


Recording Recorded in Chicago, Illinois on Wednesday, 1 May 2024