316 Ministry - Morning Faith - Pentecost Countdown - Day 2

Morning Faith

May 28 2023 • 2 mins

Today we continue our Pentecost Countdown with Day 2

Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”

Something to remember during this Pentecost. Jesus spoke about how the Apostles were blessed to be able to see and experience the wonders that Christ showed them which convinced them that he was the Son of God. He also made it very clear to them that even more blessed are the ones that believe who He is, but have not seen.

Our experiences in life help confirm what we know to be true. Don’t touch fire, gravity can sometimes be challenging, the taste of some food is amazing, and others. But how do we come to grips with things that we have not seen and are expected to believe they are true. I believe the first step is that you want to believe that they are true.

We often move this direction as the first step toward Christianity. This comes from seeing how Christians act as themselves and with others. I’m talking about the glow that comes from a Christian during worship with hands raised high, or watching a pastor really getting into talking about the glory of God, or just showing unconditional love to others by obvious selfless deeds. Once you have that feeling, there is no going back. Christians are part of a club that doesn’t have any requirements to join except the desire to know God. The more you know, the more He will move in your life. Once you accept Christ, you then will know truth and it doesn’t even matter that you’ve not seen Him. He knows you and has from the beginning. He also doesn’t care what you have done. Just ask to be forgiven and begin your journey. I call that, welcome to day 1.

Faith starts with wanting to believe and leads to being blessed by believing without seeing. Then, by believing, your eyes open and you begin to see everything clearly, just as someone that’s blind receives the gift of sight.

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Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version® NIV®
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