Belonging versus fitting in

Hope After Hurt - A Yes Podcast

Mar 30 2022 • 56 mins

In This Episode:

  • Felicia shares about how she joined a church staff and felt like she didn't fit in. Looking around she didn't see people who looked like her and had similar life experiences.
  • We discuss the difference between belonging and fitting in.
  • What can church leaders do to make sure people have a sense of belonging?
    • Slow down and see the people around you
    • It's okay to take on duties and responsibilities beneath your position
  • We answer questions (over 35 submitted) like:
    • How do you know it's time to leave a church staff?
    • How do you fire someone?
    • How do you forgive someone when they haven't apologized?
    • How do you know you are winning?
    • and more...

Quotes from This Episode:

  • "There's such a difference between fitting in and belonging. Fitting in means changing things about yourself to mimic the people around you. But if the church staff creates a sense of belonging you feel appreciated and a part of the team." ~ Felicia
  • "Inclusion is all about celebrating the differences." ~Felicia

Mentioned in this Episode:

Episode Sponsor:

This episode of Hope After Hurt is brought to you by The UPS Store, need help with shipping, printing, packing, shredding, branding, or any other ING imaginable? Let Drew's family help, they own three of the UPS Stores in North Carolina. If you're near Cary or Clayton make sure you stop into your local - The UPS Store - and say YES to local, family-owned businesses.

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