Episode 128: Ephesians 2:11-22 Humanity redefined in Christ!

Living Water Community Church

May 14 2024 • 1 hr 5 mins

We worked through the end of chapter 2 and looked at how the world has really been changed by the person and work of Jesus. After Jesus became our substitutional sacrifice He caused a radical change in the world. The people of God were no longer simply identified as the Jews. Now the people of God were identified by faith in Jesus. The idea of national identity in God’s economy is done away with. Identity is now are you a follower of God through faith in Jesus or are you following a man centered worldly system. One of the things this does is call the church to be intentionally welcoming to people of all nationalities. We should be the most racially integrated meeting place in the world. If someone is in Jesus we should see them as our family. Jesus Himself when told about His mother and brothers wanting to talk to Him He replied that those He was with were His mother and brothers and sisters. The church should be the one place everyone who is a Christian feels welcomed and embraced. As members of the church body universal our own individual focus should be our identity as members of the body of Christ. This should be our primary identity. Anything else which defines us should pale in comparison to this one primary defining relationship, which is ours in Jesus. This idea of the new humanity which was brought about by Jesus work on the cross was the focus of the end of chapter 2.