Episode 123: Ephesians 1:11-14 God’s Inheritance and Sealing

Living Water Community Church

Apr 30 2024 • 1 hr 28 mins

We finished working our way through the longest sentence in the Bible. It runs from Ephesians 1:3-14. It centers on the magnificent power or God as it is displayed in the work of Jesus. It is a very heart stirring God exulting section. Paul was very familiar with the church in Ephesus and had been very involved there, not only for 3 years in establishing it, but in supporting them through Timothy and his ministry. The soul stirring call to worship invoked by these verses may be because Paul knew they were struggling with getting their hearts engaged in loving God. This is certainly cited as a problem of this church in the book of Revelation. Paul calls on his readers both in Ephesus and all who pick up this letter to engage their hearts in what is essentially a call to worship and adoration of God.