Assurance of Faith II - 1 John

The Bible with Beth

Jan 8 2023 • 26 mins

Welcome to the prologue to First John, and John's personal testimony to the reality of Jesus Christ, the word of life.

Last week we began our study with an overview of the epistle, and we saw that John's focus in his letter is assurance of faith. The word "know" interestingly is used thirty times in the book of John, and John tells his readers that we can know that Christianity is true and we can know with certainty that we are Christians.

God intends for Christians to have full assurance of faith, full conviction, and a settled understanding. And this is to be true for all Christians throughout history, not just during John's era. We belong to a kingdom that cannot be shaken and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

In a world filled with confusion and doubt about what's true and not true, this assurance of our faith is immensely comforting and encouraging, isn't it? And John gives us three tests in his epistle to assure us that our faith is genuine. The test of faith, righteousness, and love.

Today's scripture: 1 John 1:1-4.