What Matters Most IV - Ecclesiastes

The Bible with Beth

Mar 19 2023 • 26 mins

Our message this week I've entitled Satisfaction Guaranteed. And the questions we're answering this morning is who or what matters most, God or money? What should our attitude as Christians be towards money and prosperity?

In today's scripture we're examining the topic of wealth in what our preacher calls vanities, the things in life that are meaningless and transient, empty and temporary apart from a personal relationship with the Lord.

Verses eight to nine, we'll consider wealth and poverty on a national level. In verses 10 to 17, the preacher really starts to meddle in our business as he exposes our attitudes towards money. In the final section in verses 18 to 20 he shows us a better way to live.

We've talked a lot in our class about meditating on scripture. Pondering, personalizing, and practicing God's word. These passages in Ecclesiastes are extraordinary ones to ponder. Challenging, but wonderful and rewarding in what matters most.

Today's scripture: Ecclesiastes 5:8-20, Philippians 4:11, Hebrew 13:5, Luke 12:16-21.