73. Spirit Talks: Secrets of the magic of the moon and how it can enhance our lives

Soul Searcher with Natali Brown

Nov 2 2022 • 1 hr 1 min

The moon’s been holding the world’s biggest secret for thousands of years. We have forgotten her magic, and it's time we remember how to harness the power of the moon. Join me and Spirit Talks Panel Speakers Kady and Sarah as we discuss our own cyclical nature and the mysteries of the moon. They will share their stories of how the moon guided and assisted them in their own lives and share more about how co-creating with the moon can enhance our lives.   Spirit Talks Panel: Natali Brown - https://natalibrown.com/ Kady Romagnuolo - https://kadymindsetcoach.com/ Dous Sarah - https://douspardous.com/