Heart Soul Human

Zach Kaufman and Neil Disyamonthon

Bridging practicality with grounded spirituality & personal transformation, we're here to take you to the full expression of all that you are-full heart, full soul, and fully human. We're your reminder to feel it all and have fun along the way. From our hearts to yours, we are Zach (future physician) & Neil (trained therapist & ex-monk) - 2 healers and Akashic Record readers here for your growth! Let's vibe together & cry together as we transform to thrive. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Healing Your Trauma (Pt. 2): Step-by-Step Inner Child & Shadow Work
Nov 1 2023
Healing Your Trauma (Pt. 2): Step-by-Step Inner Child & Shadow Work
Here's your step-by-step how to guide to self-healing through inner child work, shadow work, and somatic healing. We share our broken-down frameworks for our practices to heal and move through what's holding you back. Step-by-step frameworks are in the show notes below.Episode HighlightsReceiving a vision or sensation as  a message in inner child workWorking with your different awarenesses in experiencing your healingWays of being with "little you" and meeting their needs through loveAllowing the nervous system to hold love in a difficult experienceIntegrating this healed version of yourself back into your current selfConnecting to the parts of your body that hold your triggerLetting that somatic space speak to you Validating and affirming your inner childMaturing the inner childLoving and filling back in the healed space in your bodyUsing your breath to break up energies in your bodyGrounding emotions into your physical heart to connect to the essence of an emotionEmanating emotions outwardly & wideHealing with grace and no pressure to find your way to loveZach's  Framework for Self-Healing Sit with your emotionAllow it to create a vision & let the vision unfoldAddress the younger self, fulfill their needs, and inject love into the memoryIntegrate the younger self into youNeil's Framework for Self-Healing Acknowledge the emotion or trigger and find where it sits in the bodyExplore deeply into this part of the body. Ask it questions & let it speak to you and express out loudValidate the child, if connecting to the inner childMature the inner child by growing their sense of self (provide truthful empowering reframes and mature non-victim perspectives)If not connecting with the inner child, then connect with the physical space of the body to move the energy.  Once complete, bring love into and fill the newly cleared spaceGet an Akashic Record Reading from Zach to Work 1-on-1Message  @justzachkaufman or email zelikaufman125@gmail.comGet an Akashic Record Reading from Neil to Work 1-on-1 Email neil@neildisy.comAsk Us A Question -we'll answer on air - TAP HERE TO ASKContactHeartsoulhuman@gmail.comCreditsMusic-Max Van Soest @ max_fly