How Would a New Testament Believer Understand Psalm 91?

1 Pastor's Point of View

Jul 11 2023 • 41 mins

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Psalm 91; 1 Corinthians 13:6-13;

The Setting of the Psalm; The Psalmist, who is a godly person, enters the
protective area of Yahweh, the Temple sanctuary. In the sanctuary he testifies and
instructs out of his experience of deliverance by the Lord. He expresses his doctrine or belief(v1) and then details what he learned from his struggle and deliverance. He also testifies about the prophetic words of the Lord to him in verses 14-16.
But in the context of Progressive Revelation, how would N.T. believers
understand these verses, especially in the context of a broader, more comprehensive understanding of life in Christ both now and forever.
Remember this Psalm was probably an older Psalm where the idea of an
after-life was less developed. Compare Genesis 25:7-8 and the N.T. statements about the eternal part of life in Christ, a few examples: John 14:1-4; Revelation 21-22 etc.
When a Christian reads and meditates on this Psalm they realize the complete
fulfillment of its promises found in verses 3-13 will not be perfectly realized until our eternal life or after-life experience. Note can verses like 9 & 10 be fully experienced in this fallen world? (note John 16:33; also the example of the Christmas Carol), again considering the dynamic of progressive revelation.