Doing Good To All & in All Situations

1 Pastor's Point of View

Apr 29 2024 • 36 mins

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(Not With The Spirit & His Fruit, in the Context indefatigable Grace & Forgiveness of God)
Galatians 5:22-24 → 6:1-10
I) Some ways the Fruit of the Spirit is manifested through us to others
a) Gentle loving counsel to the sinner, showing genuine concern towards restoration. 6:1
b) Sharing burdens, the central law of Christ 6:2
c) Taking Responsibility for our actions, both good and bad: humbly 6:3
d) Don’t negatively compete, especially regarding the gifts of God (humbly do your gift) 6:5
e) Generosity Now and leadership in all areas: when we show proper respect to them we
honor God. 6:5(b)
i) See also verses 7-8 “Sowing and reaping”
1) (See Psalm 126 for O.T. illustration, especially verses 5-6)

II) During Continuous Difficult Situations, Doing Good to All Becomes Weakened, because we
are human. It seems to be the first to go! Verses 9 & 10.
During extended times of difficulties it becomes hard not to become cynical and weary
of doing good, when bad continues all around us: unabated and not understood.
Examples of Jesus experiences of human weakening:
- His continued frustrations with His chosen disciples, note Matthew 17:17 (read)
- At Gethsemane, Matthew 26: 39; Luke 22:42
- “Father if you are willing, take this cup(the cross) from me... (sounds like the
words of a weary prophet)
- Yet not my will but yours be done(said while he was tired beyond belief)
- Until God’s intervention in Verse 43: The strengthening angel.
- He then went back to awaken his emotionally exhausted or “weary”
Apostles; verse 45-46

III) When we experience similar weakenings, It’s hard to do good to all.
Especially when we try to spend all our time “licking our wounds”
We need strengthening angels to help carry our loads. This picture illustrates the helping power
of the Spirit, most necessary in Jesus and our lives.
Note Paul’s prophetic word in 1 Corinthians 12:9-11; especially verse 9
And even if at times we fail to continue in doing good, God’s forgiveness and powerful
grace can help us to recover.
Remember the behaviors expected by the fruit of the Spirit, is very dependent on the
Spirit’s power and faithfulness. They are the fruit of the Spirit not only of our own efforts.
