Episode 3: Balance Cubed

Balance Cubed

Mar 30 2022 • 7 mins

On episode 3 we’re going to talk about greener pastures.

What do you mean coach Joe, like cows? Laughter. No I don’t mean cows!

I want to start with this very important context. Too many people think the grass is greener somewhere else, but the grass is greener where you water it.  Remember that!

So on episode 3, our title is “Tend to your garden of success, or it will tend to you”

We must set this preface first.  Sometimes, the environment is bad, inhabitable, or worse still toxic. We don’t want you to sit in a garden of weeds, mildew, and crap.  The end-result is that as your brain software system rewrites it’s codes, it will now code that environment as your new “norm”.