Dear Mama, You Can Do Hard Things (Taylor Gawryluk)

Moms of the Night

Feb 27 2024 • 1 min

Dear Mama Monologues are special clips we pull from each episode, filled with an encouraging message from our guest to you. They are released as a bonus mini-sode each week so you have a place you can quickly access words to get you through those tough motherhood moments.

Taylor Gawryluk is a first-time mama living in Bismarck, North Dakota with her husband, and 8 month old son, Krew. She is in sales for her family’s business and runs a Cycle studio. Taylor’s world unexpectedly turned upside down when her son Krew was rushed to be admitted to the hospital for feeding issues, which led to a rare genetic condition diagnosis. As a “medical mom” she is now processing and navigating life with a son with a G Tube.

Taylor’s Instagram: @taylor.gawryluk