Dear Mama, Take Care of Yourself (Amy Kiefer)

Moms of the Night

Mar 21 2024 • 1 min

Dear Mama Monologues are special clips we pull from each episode, filled with an encouraging message from our guest to you. They are released as a bonus mini-sode each week so you have a place you can quickly access words to get you through those tough motherhood moments.

Listen to my full conversation with Amy in Episode 14 of Moms of the Night Podcast

Amy Kiefer is a RN-BSN, NSCA-CPT, Certified Doula and co-founder of Expecting & Empowered. After starting her personal training career working with pregnant clients, she realized there were far too many misconceptions still floating around. She is on a mission to bring clarity to all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. She is also a mom to 3 little ones who have blessed her with the ability to marry education and personal experience.

Connect with Amy at @expectingandempowered