Dear Mama, It Will Get Better (Lauren Driscoll)

Moms of the Night

Mar 14 2024 • 1 min

Dear Mama Monologues are special clips we pull from each episode, filled with an encouraging message from our guest to you. They are released as a bonus mini-sode each week so you have a place you can quickly access words to get you through those tough motherhood moments.

Lauren is a mom of two girls - Madison (3) and Emerson (10 weeks) living in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband. She works part-time as a hospital social worker, with a large part of her career being in oncology. As a way to create community with Jewish moms, she started the @ourshalomhome Instagram account, to connect with Jewish moms, share ideas, and showcase her creativity.

Connect with Lauren at @ourshalomhome or @laurendriscoll22