14. Caring for Yourself in Pregnancy and Postpartum with Amy Kiefer, Expecting & Empowered

Moms of the Night

Mar 21 2024 • 53 mins

As mamas, we do so much to prepare for our babies, but one thing we often overlook in our preparation and education is our own recovering bodies. In today's episode, I chat with Amy Kiefer about her own pregnancy and postpartum experiences, and how they influenced her to share her knowledge and resources with others.

Amy is an RN-BSN, NSCA-CPT, Certified Doula, and co-founder of Expecting & Empowered. After starting her personal training career working with pregnant clients, she realized there were far too many misconceptions still floating around. Now, she is on a mission to bring clarity to all things pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.

In this episode, we get raw about the physical symptoms of pregnancy and postpartum and the ways that we experienced changes in our bodies and relationships. Diving into our personal experiences, we also talk about advocating for yourself during birth, educating your partner on your needs, and how you can prepare and heal your body in healthy ways.

Connect with Amy at @ameskiefer & @expectingandempowered

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