Strengthened by Faith


Apr 2 2024 • 1 min

How do we live with strength? Do you know that when you become a child of God through placing your faith in Jesus alone, you receive the strength of Almighty God?

We see a picture of this in one of my favorite Psalms: “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” He is our bulwark—or fortress, in other words—that never fails. And when we place our worries and anxieties in His strong hands, He holds us and gives us peace. Paul tells us in Romans four (4) that for Abraham, one of the great fathers of our faith, “no unbelief made him waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith...” And this is what happens when we rely on God—we grow strong.

Do you know anyone who needs this strength and security in their life? Well, be praying and looking for opportunities to share the Gospel with them! Learn more about how to share your faith by visiting our website at


ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.”