Real Might


Apr 2 2024 • 1 min

What do you think true strength is? I think oftentimes, strength is attributed to the physically strong. We see people join the special forces training in the military and go through tasks that make even the strongest physically buckle.

But you know, that’s not what real strength is. In fact, it’s something that isn’t dependent on how weak or strong we are physically. Real strength is God who can create the universe with the sound of His voice. No human strength can match His glorious might. And He promises to be our strength and fight our battles for us. When we’re His children who have placed our trust in Jesus and Him alone—His work on the cross—we have a Father who is our shelter and our might.

Let’s not hold back from sharing with others how they can find their rest and their strength in Jesus as well. For more, visit


ShareLifeAfrica is a Christian radio and podcast program of Evangelism Explosion International Africa Ministry; that is committed to equipping you with the tools and resources needed to confidently and effectively share your faith with others.”