When Privilege becomes a Prison

Faith and Money: Making the Connection

Jan 27 2014 • 56 mins

Are we people of privilege? Jesus himself defines those with the upper hand as the rich, the well-fed, the carefree, and the well-respected. But aren’t those things we strive for—a good bank balance, a good dinner, a good name? Why would Jesus say Woe to you about that? Because that privilege can be our prison, locking us away from God and God’s people and even from our own hearts. Our guest, psychologist William Miller, names the four prison walls as greed, anxiety, envy and entitlement, painful symptoms of living outside God’s economy of enough for all. But each of these prison walls has an antidote, a key to the prison door, as Dr. Miller will help us discover during this program. Then Dale Stitt—who has been working for decades with people linking their faith and their money--will share some rich stories of prison breaks, illustrating for us how to live more freely and fully as the people of God.