Creating the Next Generation of Conservationists with Jenny Curtis of edZOOcation

Mothering Wildlife

Dec 14 2023 • 41 mins

This week I talk to a mom who turned her passion for wildlife conservation and education into a business.  Jenny Curtis founded edZOOcation, as a way to bring together all of her passions - wildlife conservation, conservation education, and teaching little children.  The company offers subscription boxes in three age categories that provide children with a box each month dedicated to learning about an endangered species.  The boxes include a stuffed animal, craft, recipe, book, and more!

In her professional journey, Jenny has always let wildlife conservation and education guide her course.  She graduated from Moorpark College, served as a professor at Moorpark, operated her own educational outreach business and finally created edZOOcation.  We talk about how after becoming a mother she wasn't quite sure how to manage her strong work ethic and professional passions with family.  It took her many years of trial and error and, finally, entrepreneurship to figure out that teaching children about wildlife conservation and building edZOOcation was what would bring about that harmony in her life.

As a mom who is also a business owner in the wildlife arena, Jenny has learned to slow down and truly take time for herself.  She admits to wanting to jump into everything all at once and her and I talk a lot about how she manages that work/life balance.

Website: edZOOcation Subscription Boxes
Instagram: @edzoocation_box
Facebook: edZOOcation Subscription Box
Pinterest: edZOOcation

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