Parable of the Sower part 6

Redeemer Coast Church Podcast

Mar 3 2024 • 46 mins

For all of God’s promises have been fulfilled in Christ with a resounding “Yes!” And through Christ, our “Amen” (which means “Yes”) ascends to God for his glory. 2 Corinthians 1:20

When we face problems and troubles in life, rather than letting those things dictate our beliefs, we choose to believe in the promises of God; that is what brings God glory!

The promises of God are seeds that we can sow when we face circumstances contrary to the life that Jesus bought for us.

When we face trouble in our finances, the promises of God’s provision in His Word are seeds that we can sow.

When we face physical challenges, God’s promise for our healing are seeds we can sow in our lives to receive a harvest of healing.

When we face emotional challenges and hurts, God’s promises of peace and joy are seeds that we can sow to walk in victory over fear, anxiety and depression.

Whatever need we have, there is a promise in God’s Word for the harvest of victory in that situation.

Sowing the seed of God’s Word requires us to meditate on His promises and declare them over our lives. When we focus on God’s promise, not the need, we focus on the answer.

When a farmer sows seed, he’s in expectation of a harvest of that seed. Likewise, when the believer sows seeds of God’s promise, they are in expectation of the harvest of the promises.

I encourage you today, if there is a need in your life, rather than focusing on the need, talking about the need and emphasising the need, focus on reaping the harvest of God’s promises, boldly speak them out and choose to be the one to agree with God when He says, “all the promises of God are YES and in Him amen!