Special Edition: She Lives Fearless in El Salvador

She Lives Fearless Podcast

Oct 5 2023 • 35 mins

On this week's episode hosts Holly Newton and Dina Deleasa-Gonsar have a conversation with Owen Githanga. Owen is an alum of the Compassion International Babies and Moms program.

We talked about his early childhood in Kenya and how Compassion's intervention saved his life and opened up opportunities Owen would have never had to live a full abundant life. He's now an accountant on staff at Compassion in Colorado Springs.

Tune in to hear this powerful story and learn how you can partner with She Lives Fearless to make a difference in one of three hundred babies' lives!

Go to Compassion.com/Fearless to partner with us by sponsoring a baby and mom in El Salvador.

Many of you have probably heard of Compassion International before, but might not have heard yet about their program that helps babies and moms.

Basically, what this means is instead of waiting until a child is four to start providing care for them and missing some of the key developmental years for that child, and quite frankly missing the opportunity to help a child actually survive those first four years in extreme poverty, Compassion comes alongside a mom who is living in extreme poverty once they know she’s pregnant in order to help that baby and mom not only survive but to thrive - to give the child the best chance at fulfilling their full potential as he/she grows up.

Compassion comes alongside these moms living in extreme poverty and provides them with free medical care, food, vitamins, training on how to take care of their baby, mentoring, and discipleship all through the local Church in the community where the baby and mom live.

These children and their moms don’t just receive practical help, but they experience the love of Jesus and receive the opportunity to know Jesus.

As a result, babies are available to be sponsored starting at age one. They will continue to be part of the Compassion child development program through child sponsorship until they’re able to stand on their own two feet and break the cycle of poverty in their family, just like Owen did.

And today, for just $43 per month, you can change the life of a baby and mom.

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