First Corinthians Part 02: Foolish Wisdom

Freedom Fellowship Church

Apr 21 2024 • 1 hr 39 mins

As humans, we can be pretty simple creatures. If we see something that makes sense to our brains, or someone at least sounds like they know what they're talking about, we follow it and call it wisdom. God, however, does things differently. He chooses the foolish things of the world to show how wise He really is.
Unfortunately, our "wisdom" often leads to elevating our preferences. "I like this person/worship/style, etc." What results is a fractured Church when the call of Christ is to be One as God is One.
This is the essence of what Paul the Apostle was writing to the church in Corinthians. They were gifted, influential, and yet they were divided. Paul urges them to seek unity above all else because it is the great blessing of the cross. We are all on the same playing field, and that's good news.