First Things First Part 06: How To Make Disciples

Freedom Fellowship Church

Mar 3 2024 • 40 mins

Making disciples was the last charge Jesus gave us before He went back to Heaven, and it should be the primary concern of all Christians. Every person on Earth deserves to know and experience the love of Jesus. Over the years, disciple making for many churches has morphed into programs, books, and a set of "dos and don'ts." Those aren't necessarily bad. They were just never meant to be the starting point.
Jesus offered us a different way, and it seems simultaneously simple yet counterintuitive. Love others. Easy, right? This simple command has the power to transform someone's eternity. So often we get distracted by what we can see, such as someone's behaviors, that we fail to see what Jesus sees - their aloneness. Maybe if we took a step out of our world and entered into someone else's we would see God do something that only He can do.