The Diary of a Future CEO with Fabian Dodds: Inspiring stories to ignite the next generation

The Diary of a Future CEO

Sep 15 2023 • 16 mins

Are you creative and full of ideas? Do you love building things? Are you fascinated with how things work?

In this podcast Fabian Dodds talks to Claire Ziwa and inspires the next generation of engineers with his journey so far, giving us an insight into life on the very competitive Degree Apprenticeship Programme with the Dyson Institute. If you want to follow a career path in engineering, this podcast is certain to ignite your passion for the subject.

In this conversation Fabian and Claire discuss topics including:

A typical day on the Dyson Engineering Degree Apprenticeship.
Maintaining a healthy work/life balance.
The skills you need to become an engineer.
Hobbies and interests – rugby, drama, public speaking.
The value of a practical Engineering degree with Dyson.
Choosing Dyson over Cambridge University.
A childhood interest in building things, experimentation and being creative.
Positive family role models.
Advice for anyone wanting to follow a career in engineering.
Choosing the right A level subjects.

You can also watch this podcast on The Perse School Cambridge YouTube channel

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