The Extra Mile

KidMin Backstage

Mar 29 2024 • 35 mins

Today I'm joined by Bro. Brennen and we talk about going the extra mile.

In Matthew 5:41 Jesus talks about how if someone asks you to walk a mile you should go two.
Scholars say that there was a Roman law where any Roman soldier could order a Jewish civilian along the road to carry his baggage, often containing armor and weapons, for one Roman mile, which would be just under one of our miles.
Whomever the Roman soldier recruited would then have to carry a load that could easily be 80 to 100 pounds for a whole mile.
Then, once the mile was complete, this unlucky civilian servant could drop it a get relieved. The term extra mile is synonymous with going above and beyond, doing more than what is expected.

Some of the things we try to cover:

  • Changing Your Outlook
  • Beyond the Bare Minimum
  • The Extra Mile Person
  • You Can Do Anything for One Hour
  • The 2nd Mile is Enjoyable