
KidMin Backstage

Apr 26 2024 • 38 mins

Today I'm joined by Bro. Kyle and we're talking about discipleship.

As Sunday school leaders we have two primary missions: Evangelism and Discipleship. These go hand in hand as we read in Matthew 28:19.
We have bus or van ministries, we go door-knocking, we create kids’ events, we have VBS, and we try to evangelize and reach out to kids who don’t go to church. So, the next step is to teach these kids about Jesus and how to live for him.
And if you’ve been in kids ministry for any length of time you have the terrible experience of a kid growing closer to God and ready to take the next step and then suddenly they disappear, their family moves away and you can’t get ahold of them.

There’s another side to discipleship, and while it’s not necessarily separate, it should be considered. There are our church kids who do come every week and are most likely not going anywhere. We need to capitalize on this stability and turn our church kids into disciples.

Some of the things we try to cover:

  • It Starts With Me
  • Learning About God's Word
  • Develop a Relationship With God
  • Teach How To Be a Christian