Specialty or Versatility

KidMin Backstage

Apr 12 2024 • 34 mins

Today I'm joined by Bro. Myles.

We’ve all heard the saying, “jack of all trades, master of none”, and it kind of puts a negative light on those that can do a lot, but maybe are not super good at any one thing. And there’s the quote, master. The one who does one thing, but they’re the best. They’re the ones you hire if you want the highest quality. I think we tend to place a high value on these “specialists” and rightly so, but specialists are not the right fit for every situation.

There are some people that seem to know a little bit about everything. These people are extremely valuable to have around and can accomplish so much, yet sometimes they can’t quite reach the level of quality you desire. Today, I’m not necessarily advocating for one or the other, I just merely want to discuss the merits of the two and if there’s any kind of balance we can have.