Boring is Illegal

KidMin Backstage

May 17 2024 • 39 mins

Today I'm joined by the Legendary Boggs Brothers!!!
Bro. Aaron Boggs and Bro. Joey Boggs.

We're talking about NOT having boring Sunday school.

I read somewhere that the best way to start a story is as late as you possibly can without completely losing your audience. You want your audience to have to struggle just a little bit to play catch up. If you over-explain the story, your audience gets bored.

And Sunday school should never ever be boring. This also applies to how long a story is drawn out.
While there is a balance to all of this, I think most Sunday school teachers tend to lean toward the "long" explanation.

We try to keep the pace moving fast which also makes it more interesting for the staff. If the staff are bored, the kids will see it and become restless. We keep it fast and we try to have enough variety so that we don’t get stuck in a rut.

A few of the things we try to cover:

  • Why Sunday School Shouldn't be Boring
  • Fast-Paced Sunday School
  • The Level of Interest from the Staff is Translated
  • Stay Unpredictable