Kids - Imaginative Prayer

Urban Mystics

Aug 21 2023 • 20 mins

Kids - Imaginative Prayer

“Let the little children come to me… for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

In this imaginative prayer exercise, you watch as Jesus spends an afternoon in a village square. As Jesus speaks with the mix of people gathered around him – but mostly, he seems to be preoccupied by the fun he is having playing with the rambunctious kids.

You watch for a while until you notice another child leaning back and watching the commotion with you. You look closer and realize something. The child next to you looks an awful lot like you… The child next to you is you.

This episode is written, hosted and produced by Tony Duppong, exclusively for the Urban Mystics Podcast.

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Urban Mystics is a ministry of ReWire. Meditations and recordings are property of ReWire. Use of this copyrighted material is not allowed without consent. Learn more about ReWire at

Episode Audio Credits:

Pillow Fort by Purrple Cat (Album: Cozy Cabin Beats)

We love Purrple Cat's music and are customers and supporters. You can find and support Purrple Cat'smusic at

Soundscape from Swordcoast Soundscapes. Find more at

Sound from Shanay Groen, kikorurelas, and Robinhood76 on, ,